410.6.3.4 Path of egress travel.
The following exit access components are permitted where serving technical production areas:
1. Stairways.
2. Ramps.
3. Spiral stairways.
4. Catwalks.
5. Alternating tread devices.
6. Permanent ladders.
410.6.3.5 Width.
The path of egress travel within and from technical support areas shall be not less than 22 inches (559 mm) in width.
410.7 Automatic sprinkler system.
An automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 shall be provided in the following areas when located within a place of assembly:
1. Stages including those with stage height greater than 40 feet (12 192 mm);
2. Technical production areas over the stage including under the roof, above and below the gridiron, catwalks and galleries;
3. Dressing rooms, performer lounges, shops and storerooms accessory to stages or platforms, with live entertainment;
4. Platforms with live entertainment;
5. Cabarets; or
6. When openings are provided in the stage floor for stage lifts, trap doors or stairs, sprinklers spaced 5 feet (1524 mm) on centers shall be provided around the opening at the ceiling below the stage, and baffles at least 12 inches (305 mm) in depth shall be installed around the perimeter of the opening.
1. Sprinklers are not required under stages or platforms less than 4 feet (1219 mm) in clear height that are utilized exclusively for storage of tables and chairs, provided the concealed space is separated from the adjacent spaces by Type X gypsum board not less than 5/8 inch (15.9 mm) in thickness.
2. Sprinklers are not required within portable orchestra enclosures on stages.
410.8 Standpipes.
Standpipe systems shall be provided in accordance with Section 905.
410.9 Voice/alarm communication system.
Stages shall be provided with a voice/alarm communication system in accordance with Section 907.2.1.1.
410.10 Construction in seating areas.
Construction in seating areas shall be in accordance with Sections 410.10.1 and 410.10.2.
410.10.1 Scenery and scenic elements in seating areas.
Scenery or scenic elements may be placed in seating sections if such elements:
1. Are noncombustible, or of materials that have been rendered flameproof in accordance with the rules of the Fire Commissioner, or have a flame spread rating of 25 or less.
2. Are adequately braced or secured.
3. Do not obstruct the required visibility of, or paths of travel to, exit openings.