410.3.2 Technical production areas: galleries, gridirons, catwalks and pinrails.
Beams designed only for the attachment of portable or fixed theater equipment, gridirons, galleries and catwalks shall be constructed of noncombustible materials. Floors of fly galleries and catwalks shall be constructed of noncombustible material. These areas shall not be considered to be floors, stories, mezzanines or levels in applying this code.
410.3.3 Exterior stage doors.
Where protection of openings is required, exterior exit doors shall be protected with fire door assemblies that comply with Section 716. Exterior openings that are located on the stage for means of egress or loading and unloading purposes, and that are likely to be open during occupancy of the theater, shall be constructed with vestibules to prevent air drafts into the auditorium.
410.3.4 Proscenium wall.
Where the stage height is greater than 40 feet (12 192 mm), all portions of the stage shall be completely separated from the seating area by a proscenium wall with not less than a 2-hour fire-resistance rating extending continuously from the foundation to the roof.
410.3.5 Proscenium curtain.
Where a proscenium wall is required to have a fire-resistance rating, the stage opening shall be provided with one of the following:
1. A fire curtain complying with NFPA 80; or
2. An approved stage water curtain and sprinklers complying with Section 410.7 and Section 903.3.1.1 of this code, and the following:
2.1. A deluge valve actuated by a "rate of rise system" and "fixed temperature system" shall control the water curtain system;
2.2. The heat actuating devices shall be located on not more than 10-foot (3048 mm) centers around the perimeter of the sprinklered area stage or as otherwise required for the type of device used to assure operation of the system;
2.3. In addition to the automatic controls, manual-operating devices shall be located at the voice/alarm communication system required by Section 410.9, and adjacent to at least one exit from the stage. Such exit shall be remote from the voice/alarm communication system;
2.4. All valves controlling deluge and sprinkler supplies on stages where the stage height is greater than 40 feet (12 192 mm) shall be provided with tamper switches wired to an annunciator panel located at the voice/alarm communication system required by Section 410.9;
2.5. The operation of any section of the sprinkler system on stages where the stage height is greater than 40 feet (12 192 mm) or the operation of the deluge system shall activate the emergency ventilating equipment required in Section 410.3.7 and shall be provided with central station supervision in addition to the required local alarm; and
2.6. The water flow alarm, tamper switches, the sprinkler system on stages where the stage height is greater than 40 feet (12 192 mm), and deluge system equipment shall be provided with central station supervision in addition to the required local alarm.
(Am. L.L. 2023/077, 6/11/2023, eff. 6/11/2023)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2023/077.
410.3.6 Scenery.
All scenery or scenic elements shall be of noncombustible materials, or of materials having a flame-spread rating not exceeding 25, or of materials that have been rendered flameproof in compliance with the rules of the Fire Commissioner. Scenery and scenic elements not complying with the above requirements may be used only when expressly permitted by the Fire Department.
410.3.7 Stage ventilation.
Emergency ventilation shall be provided for stages larger than 1,000 square feet (93 m
) in floor area, or with a stage height greater than 40 feet (12 192 mm). Such ventilation shall comply with Section 410.3.7.1 or 410.3.7.2.
410.3.7.1 Roof vents.
Two or more vents constructed to open automatically by approved heat-activated devices and with an aggregate clear opening area of not less than 5 percent of the area of the stage shall be located near the center and above the highest part of the stage area. Supplemental means shall be provided for manual operation of the ventilator. Curbs shall be provided as required for skylights in Section 2610.2. Vents shall be labeled.