409.4 Lighting control.
Provisions shall be made for control of the auditorium lighting and the means of egress lighting systems of theaters from inside the projection room and from not less than one other convenient point in the building.
409.5 Miscellaneous equipment.
Each projection room shall be provided with rewind and film storage facilities.
410.1 Applicability.
The provisions of Sections 410.1 through 410.11 shall apply to all parts of buildings and structures that contain stages or platforms and similar appurtenances as herein defined.
410.2 Definitions.
This section contains terms defined elsewhere in the code, and terms with definitions that are specific to this section.
410.2.1 Terms defined elsewhere in the code.
The following terms are defined in Chapter 2:
410.2.2 Definitions specific to this section.
The following term shall, for the purposes of this section, have the meaning shown herein:
PLATFORM. A raised area within a building used for worship, the presentation of music, plays or other entertainment; the head table for special guests; the raised area for lecturers and speakers; boxing and wrestling rings; theater-in-the-round stages; and similar purposes wherein, other than horizontal sliding curtains, there are no overhead hanging curtains, drops, scenery or stage effects other than lighting and sound. A temporary platform is one installed for not more than 30 days.
410.3 Stages.
Stage construction shall comply with Sections 410.3.1 through 410.3.7.
410.3.1 Stage construction.
Stage floors shall be constructed of materials as required for floors for the type of construction of the building in which such stages are located. Where areas below the stage are used for other occupancies, such stage floor shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements for separated occupancies as per Chapter 5.
1. Stages of Type IIB or IV construction with a nominal 2-inch (51 mm) wood deck, provided that the stage is separated from other areas in accordance with Section 410.3.4.
2. In all types of construction, the finished floor shall be constructed of wood or approved noncombustible materials. Openings through stage floors shall be equipped with tight-fitting, solid wood trap doors with approved safety locks. The room or space below the stage into which the traps or lifts open shall be completely enclosed by construction having at least the fire-resistance rating required for the stage floor, and such room or space shall not be used as a workshop or storage area. Storage shall not be deemed to include the location in this area of scenery or scenic elements used during a performance. However, no combustible material that has a flame spread rating greater than 25 or that has not been rendered flameproof in accordance with the rules of the Fire Commissioner may be stored in this location at any time.