410.4.1 Temporary platforms.
Platforms installed for a period of not more than 30 days are permitted to be constructed of any materials permitted by this code. The space between the floor and the platform above shall only be used for plumbing and electrical wiring to platform equipment.
410.5 Dressing and appurtenant rooms.
Dressing and appurtenant rooms shall comply with Sections 410.5.1 and 410.5.2.
410.5.1 Separation from stage.
The stage shall be separated from dressing rooms, scene docks, property rooms, workshops, storerooms and compartments appurtenant to the stage and other parts of the building by fire barriers constructed in accordance with Section 707 or horizontal assemblies constructed in accordance with Section 711, or both. The fire-resistance rating shall be not less than 2 hours for stage heights greater than 50 feet (15 240 mm) and not less than 1 hour for stage heights of 50 feet (15 240 mm) or less.
410.5.2 Separation from each other.
Dressing rooms, scene docks, property rooms, workshops, storerooms and compartments appurtenant to the stage shall be separated from each other by not less than 1-hour fire barriers constructed in accordance with Section 707 or horizontal assemblies constructed in accordance with Section 711, or both.
410.6 Means of egress.
Except as modified or as provided for in this section, the provisions of Chapter 10 shall apply.
410.6.1 Stage exits.
No fewer than one exit or exit access doorway shall be provided from each side of the stage and from each side of the space under the stage. Technical production areas shall comply with Section 410.6.3.
410.6.2 Stairway and ramp enclosure.
Exit access stairways and ramps serving a stage or platform are not required to be enclosed. Exit access stairways and ramps serving technical production areas are not required to be enclosed.