904.5.3 Five-year retest.
All fire extinguishing systems shall be retested once every five years from the date of acceptance of the system. The first retest of fire extinguishing systems lawfully existing on the effective date of this provision shall be conducted on or before the fifth anniversary of the date of acceptance after such effective date. Such test shall be conducted, and reported to the department, in the manner prescribed by rule, by a licensed master fire suppression contractor holding a certificate of fitness, properly trained and having knowledge of the installation, operation and maintenance of the specific fire extinguishing system, or a person holding a certificate of fitness under the direction and control of such license holder.
Exception: Commercial cooking and domestic cooking fire extinguishing systems.
904.6 Additional maintenance requirements.
The following fire extinguishing systems shall be maintained in accordance with the additional maintenance requirements set forth in FC 904.6.1 through 904.6.10.
904.6.1 Aerosol systems.
Aerosol fire extinguishing systems shall be maintained in accordance with FC 901.6.1 and 904.5.
904.6.2 Carbon dioxide systems.
Carbon dioxide systems shall be maintained in accordance with FC 901.6.1, 904.5 and 904.6.2.1 through 904.6.2.4.
904.6.2.1 High-pressure containers.
High-pressure containers shall be weighed and the date of the last hydrostatic test shall be verified at 6-month intervals. Where a container shows a loss in original content of more than 10 percent, the container shall be refilled or replaced.
904.6.2.2 Low-pressure containers.
The liquid-level gauges of low-pressure containers shall be observed at one-week intervals. Where a container shows a content loss of more than 10 percent, the container shall be refilled to maintain the minimum gas requirements.
904.6.2.3 System hoses.
System hoses shall be examined at 12-month intervals for damage. Damaged hoses shall be replaced or tested. At five-year intervals, all hoses shall be tested.
904. Test procedure.
Hoses shall be tested at not less than 2,500 pounds per square inch (psi) (17 238 kPa) for high-pressure systems and at not less than 900 psi (6206 kPa) for low-pressure systems.
904.6.2.4 System components.
System components, such as switches, door and window releases, interconnected valves, damper releases and supplementary alarms, shall be manually operated at 12-month intervals to ensure that such components are in proper operating condition.