904. Warning and instruction signs.
Warning and instruction signs shall be posted at entrances to and within the protected area subject to flooding.
904. Abort systems.
Abort systems may be installed only on systems activated by smoke detectors. Abort controls shall be manually operated, shall be located in the protected area, and shall cause the discharge of the clean agent after a 2-minute delay unless the abort control is reactivated for another cycle of delay. A manual pull station shall be provided which, upon activation, shall transmit an alarm to an approved central station, override the delay and cause the clean agent to discharge immediately. Abort controls shall not interfere with transmission of local alarms or central station alarms.
904. Means of egress.
Where the protected area is normally occupied, provision shall be made for adequate clear routes of exit with doors opening in direction of travel. Emergency lighting shall be provided for such exits. Exit directional signs shall clearly indicate the path of egress and exits shall be clearly marked.
904. Fixed emergency forced ventilation.
When the protected area is normally occupied, a fixed emergency forced ventilation system sufficient to accomplish at least six air changes per hour of the flooded protected area shall be provided unless all of the following apply:
1. The clean agent fire extinguishing system is used to extinguish a Class A fire.
2. The design concentration does not exceed the "no observable adverse effect level" for halocarbon agents, or "no effect level" for inert gas agents as defined in NFPA 2001, as modified by FC Appendix B.
3. If other than inert gas agents are used, the quantity of the thermal decomposition products formed from such agents is below the dangerous toxic load (DTL) for humans as described in Meldrum's "Toxicology of Substances in Relation to Major Hazards: Hydrogen Fluoride" (HMSO, London, 1993). Upon request, documentation of hazard assessment of thermal decomposition products formed from such agents shall be filed with the department.