904.6.3.2 System hoses.
System hoses shall be examined at 12-month intervals for damage. Damaged hoses shall be replaced or tested. All hoses shall be tested at 5-year intervals.
904.6.4 Dry chemical systems.
Dry chemical systems shall be maintained in accordance with FC 901.6.1, 904.5 and 904.6.4.1.
904.6.4.1. Additional maintenance requirements.
Extinguishing agent containers shall be weighed to verify the required amount of agent. Stored pressure-type units shall be checked for the required pressure. The cartridge of cartridge-operated units shall be weighed and replaced at intervals specified by the manufacturer.
904.6.5 Foam systems.
Foam systems shall be maintained in accordance with FC 901.6.1, 904.5 and 904.6.5.1.
904.6.5.1 Commercial cooking installations.
Foam fire extinguishing systems installed to protect a commercial cooking operation shall additionally comply with the requirements of FC 904.3.8.
904.6.6 Halon systems.
Lawfully existing halon systems shall be maintained in accordance with FC 901.6.1, 904.5 and 904.6.6.1 through 904.6.6.3. All other halon systems shall be removed in accordance with FC 904.1.4.2.
904.6.6.1 Containers.
The extinguishing agent quantity and pressure of containers shall be checked at least on a semiannual basis. Where a container shows a loss in original weight of more than 5 percent or a loss in original pressure (adjusted for temperature) of more than 10 percent, the container shall be refilled or replaced. The weight and pressure of the container shall be recorded on a tag attached to the container.