Non-water fire extinguishing system control panels located in areas of special flood hazard or on the premises of Group I-2 occupancies that are hospitals located in shaded X-Zones (as defined in Section G201.2 of Appendix G of the Building Code) shall be located at or above the design flood elevation in accordance with Appendix G of the Building Code.
904.3.7 Additional safety measures.
Additional safety measures shall be provided for the fire extinguishing systems as set forth in FC 904.3.7.1 and 904.3.7.2.
904.3.7.1 Carbon dioxide systems.
Carbon dioxide systems, where allowed, shall be provided with the additional safety measures set forth in FC 904. through 904.
904. Egress precautions.
All areas whose atmospheres will be made hazardous by the discharge of carbon dioxide shall be provided with:
1. Exit and exit routes that are kept clear at all times.
2. Lighting and exit directional signs in accordance with the construction codes, including the Building Code.
3. Only outward swinging, self-closing doors at exits, and panic hardware on any such doors that are secured with a locking or latching device.
904. Ventilation and other safety equipment.
A carbon dioxide system shall be provided with a fixed emergency forced ventilation system able to clear the area with sufficient capacity to accomplish at least 6 air changes per hour, and such other safety equipment as may be prescribed by the commissioner.