904. Dry chemical, non-listed wet chemical and carbon dioxide systems.
Dry chemical systems, wet chemical systems not listed to the UL 300 standard and carbon dioxide systems may not be used for commercial cooking operations and shall be removed and replaced with a type of fire extinguishing system complying with this code.
904.3.8.2 Manual activation device.
A manual activation device for the fire extinguishing system, except foam-water systems, shall be installed at a location near a means of egress that is readily accessible from the cooking area and not less than 10 feet (3048 mm) nor more than 20 feet (6096 mm) from the commercial cooking appliances protected by the fire extinguishing system, or other approved location. The manual activation device shall be located a minimum of 42 inches (1067 mm) and a maximum of 48 inches (1219 mm) above the floor. The manual activation device shall require a maximum force of 40 pounds (178 N) and a maximum movement of 14 inches (356 mm) to activate the fire extinguishing system. A sign or marking in accordance with FC Table 609.7 that clearly identifies the commercial cooking appliances being protected shall be posted on or adjacent to the manual activation device. The manual activation device shall be kept unobstructed at all times.
904.3.8.3 System interconnection.
The activation of the fire extinguishing system shall automatically shut down the fuel and electrical power supply to the cooking equipment. The fuel and electrical supply reset shall be manual.
904.4 Installation inspection and testing.
Fire extinguishing systems shall be inspected and tested upon completion of the installation prior to the installation acceptance testing required by FC 904.1.2.
904.4.1 Inspection.
The fire extinguishing system shall be inspected for the following conditions:
1. Hazard specification for consistency with design hazard.
2. Type, location and spacing of automatic- and manual-initiating devices.
3. Size, placement and position of nozzles or discharge orifices.
4. Location and identification of audible and visible alarm devices.
5. Identification of devices with proper designations.
6. Operating instructions, to ensure that the system is correctly operated during the acceptance testing.
904.4.2 Alarm testing.
Notification appliances, connections to fire alarm systems, and connections to an approved central station shall be tested to verify proper operation, including the following conditions:
1. The audibility and visibility of notification appliances signaling agent discharge or system operation, where required, shall be verified.
2. Central station connections shall be tested to verify proper identification and retransmission of alarms.
904.5 Maintenance of fire extinguishing systems.
Fire extinguishing systems shall be periodically inspected, tested and otherwise maintained in accordance with FC 901, 904.1.1 and 904.4, the applicable NFPA standard, and the system listing. Additional maintenance shall be performed as set forth in FC 904.5.1 through 904.5.13*, FC Table 904.5.2, and the rules.
* Editor's note: correct reference should be FC 904.5.1 through 904.5.3.