904.6.6.3 System components.
System components, such as switches, door and window releases, interconnected valves, damper releases and supplementary alarms, shall be manually operated at 12-month intervals to ensure such components are in proper operating condition.
904.6.7 Water mist systems.
Water mist systems shall be maintained in accordance with FC 901.6.1, 904.5 and NFPA 750, as modified by FC Appendix B.
904.6.8 Wet chemical systems.
Wet chemical systems shall be maintained in accordance with FC 901.6.1, 904.5 and 904.6.8.1 through 904.6.8.3.
904.6.8.1 Additional maintenance requirements.
Extinguishing agent containers shall be weighed to verify the required amount of agent. Stored pressure-type units shall be checked for the required pressure. The cartridge of cartridge-operated units shall be weighed and replaced at intervals specified by the manufacturer.
904.6.8.2 Fusible link maintenance.
Fixed temperature-sensing elements shall be maintained to ensure proper operation of the system.
904.6.8.3 Commercial cooking installations.
Wet chemical fire extinguishing systems installed to protect a commercial cooking operation shall additionally comply with the requirements of FC 904.3.8.
904.6.9 Commercial cooking systems.
Commercial cooking fire extinguishing systems shall be maintained in accordance with FC 609, 901.6.1, 904.5 and 904.6.9.1.