907.20.5.1 Five-year retest.
All fire alarm and other detection systems shall be retested once every five years from the date of acceptance of the system. The first retest of fire alarm and other detection systems lawfully existing on the effective date of this provision shall be conducted on or before the fifth anniversary of the date of acceptance after such effective date. Such test shall be conducted, and reported to the department, in the manner prescribed by rule, by a person holding a certificate of fitness for professional certification of fire alarm and emergency alarm installations and testing, as set forth in FC 104.2.1(1) and the rules, or a fire alarm system installer with NICET-Level II certification licensed by or registered with the State of New York and holding a certificate of fitness in accordance with the rules.
907.20.6 Smoke detector maintenance.
The owner of any premises, or part thereof, monitored by a fire alarm system or sub-system thereof, whether required or not required by this code, which automatically transmits signals to the department or to a central station, shall be responsible for preventing unnecessary and unwarranted alarms as set forth in rules. Cleaning and testing of smoke detectors shall be performed as set forth in the rules.
907.20.7 Hold-open devices.
The fire alarm system connections for hold-open devices installed on fire doors pursuant to the Building Code, including hold-open devices provided for vertical exit enclosure doors pursuant to the exception to Section BC 708.7* of the Building Code, shall be inspected, tested and otherwise maintained in accordance with FC 703.2 and 907.20 and NFPA 72. Hold-open devices and automatic door closers provided for such vertical exit enclosure doors shall be inspected and tested annually to ensure the proper functioning of:
* Editor's note: correct reference should be Section BC 713.7 of the Building Code.
1. the manual control on the fire alarm system control panel, or the fire command center where a fire command center is required, that transmits a signal to release the hold-open devices;
2. the fire alarm system output programming, which automatically transmits a signal to release the hold-open devices upon activation of an automatic alarm initiating device or manual elevator recall;
3. the circuitry for each hold-open device, which upon receipt of a manual or automatic signal, releases the door; and
4. each automatic door closer, which, upon release of the door by the hold-open device, mechanically moves the door to its fully closed position.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2014/017.
908.1 General.
Emergency alarm systems required by the construction codes, this code or the rules for the detection and notification of a release of a hazardous material or other hazardous materials incident, or other physical or health hazard, including systems designed to detect flammable, toxic, asphyxiant and other gases, shall be designed, installed, operated and maintained in compliance with the construction codes, the Electrical Code, the code requirements referenced in FC Table 908.1, this section and the manufacturer's instructions.
Hazard | Occupancy / Use a | Section |
Hazard | Occupancy / Use a | Section |
Carbon dioxide | Occupancies with a carbon dioxide beverage dispensing system | |
Carbon monoxide | Residential occupancies; other occupancies with carbon monoxide-producing equipment | Building Code BC 915 |
Flammable alcohol vapors | Distilleries | |
Gaseous hydrogen | Hydrogen fuel gas rooms | |
Hazardous materials | High-hazard occupancies (Group H) | |
Hazardous production materials | Semiconductor production facilities (Group H-5) | |
Lighter-than-air motor fuels | Motor fuel-dispensing facilities; repair garages for vehicles fueled by lighter-than-air motor fuels | |
Medical gases | Hospitals, nursing homes and hyperbaric facilities with a medical gas system | |
Natural gas and other flammable gases (except lighter-than-air motor fuels) | Mechanical rooms, microturbine rooms and power plants with flammable gas distribution piping operating above 15 psig; residential occupancies | |
Ozone gas | Ozone gas-generator rooms | |
Refrigerants | Mechanical rooms with a refrigerating system | |
Toxic/highly toxic materials | Group H-3 occupancies | |
a. Typical occupancy/use. Other occupancies/uses as approved.