904.3.5 Monitoring.
All indoor fire extinguishing systems, except commercial cooking, domestic cooking and spray finishing fire extinguishing systems, installed after the effective date of this section shall be monitored by an approved central station. Where a building fire alarm system is installed, all such indoor fire extinguishing systems, except domestic cooking systems, shall be monitored by such fire alarm system.
Non-water fire extinguishing system control panels located in areas of special flood hazard or on the premises of Group I-2 occupancies that are hospitals located in shaded X-Zones (as defined in Section G201.2 of Appendix G of the Building Code) shall be located at or above the design flood elevation in accordance with Appendix G of the Building Code.
904.3.7 Additional safety measures.
Additional safety measures shall be provided for the fire extinguishing systems as set forth in FC 904.3.7.1 and 904.3.7.2.