Building Code and Regulations
   150.001   Building Code adopted
   150.002   Additions and changes to Building Code
   150.003   City Inspector
   150.004   Fire limits
   150.005   Building permit required; fee
   150.006   Fees retained by city
   150.007   Wood shingles permitted outside fire limits
   150.008   Smoke alarms required in certain buildings
   150.009   Awnings and signs
   150.010   Use of street for building materials; permit
Plumbing Code and Regulations
   150.025   Plumbing Code
   150.026   Additions and changes to Plumbing Code
   150.027   Contractor’s proof of state bond or deposit
   150.028   Plumber’s registration; fee
   150.029   State plumbing permit required
   150.030   Street openings
   150.031   Cross connections; backflow
   150.032   Acceptable materials, plastic pipe
Electrical Code and Regulations
   150.045   Electrical equipment defined
   150.046   Electrical Code adopted
   150.047   Electricians; registration required
   150.048   Contractor’s proof of state bond or deposit
   150.049   Exception to certificate or bond requirement
   150.050   Permit required for electrical installations; fee
   150.051   Inspection; fee
   150.052   Standards
   150.053   Failure to comply
Residential Code
   150.065   Residential Code adopted
   150.066   Additions and changes to Residential Code
   150.067   Housing Board of Appeals
Fire Code and Regulations
   150.080   Fire Code adopted
   150.081   Additions and changes to Fire Code
   150.082   Storage of flammables and explosives; prohibited area
   150.083   Capacity and number of tanks for gasoline
   150.084   Capacity of trucks
   150.085   Modifications
   150.086   New materials, processes or occupancies; permits
   150.087   Appeals
Gas Regulations
   150.100   Fuel Gas Code adopted
   150.101   Additions and changes to Fuel Gas Code
House Moving
   150.115   Permit required; fee
   150.116   Application for permit
   150.117   Bond required
   150.118   Passageway for vehicles during moving process
   150.119   Caution lights
   150.120   Protection of trees and overhead structures
   150.121   Guard against danger
   150.122   Limit size of building
   150.123   Time limit; late fee
   150.124   Notice to Fire and Police Departments
   150.125   Liability
House Numbers
   150.140   Numbering required
   150.999   Penalty