(A)   Injuring trees, lines, poles prohibited. The person who may have a permit to move a building or structure over any street within the city shall by virtue of such permit and license derive no right to injure or impair the condition or usefulness of any shade tree, electric light, telephone or telegraph poles or lines.
   (B)   Permission to cut or injure trees. No tree of any kind shall be cut, bruised or scarred under any circumstances, without the expressed permission in writing of the owner of the same and with the permission of the Street Commissioner.
   (C)   Notice to public utilities. In all cases where necessary to remove any electric light, telephone or telegraph construction, it shall be the duty of the person moving such building or structure to give not less than 24 hours’ notice to the public utility company or person owning or operating the same, which notice shall state the place, the construction which is necessary to be removed, or temporarily changed or altered and the day on which it desired to have such clearance made as well as the amount of time necessary to keep such space clear.
   (D)   Deposit: moving of utility lines. It is the duty of the person moving the building or structure to prove deposit of an adequate amount in money or bond estimated necessary to cover the cost of the changing or moving of public utility overhead construction and replacing the same in its former condition. Upon such deposit being made with the City Clerk and such notice being delivered to the owner or operator of the telephone or telegraph and line construction, it is the duty of the person owning or operating the overhead construction to make such temporary changes as are reasonably necessary to comply with the representations set forth in the notice made and delivered to him or her.
(Prior Code, § 9-7-6)