(A)   Discontinue water service as safety precaution. The City Water Department and the city inspector are authorized to discontinue or cause to be discontinued all water service or services to any and all premises, lands, buildings or structures where it is found that an immediate hazard exists to the purity or potability of the city water supply.
   (B)   Determination of hazardous conditions. The City Water Department and the city inspector are authorized and directed to take such steps as necessary to determine all potential hazards to the purity or potability of the city water supply which exist. Upon determining the potential hazards it is the duty of the Department and inspector to immediately cause notice to go to the owner or such other person responsible for the premises, specifying the hazards, and notifying the person that in the event that the hazard is not corrected within 30 days from the date of the notice, all water services shall be discontinued thereafter until the requirements of this code have been complied with.
(Prior Code, § 9-2-7)