§ 150.117 BOND REQUIRED.
   (A)   Requirement. No permit shall be issued by the terms of this subchapter until such time as the applicant therefor shall have deposited with the officer issuing such permit, a cash bond in such sum as may be reasonably necessary to protect the city and cover all loss from damage accruing to it or its citizens by reason of any negligence or improper occupancy of the streets, sidewalks and any and all property therein.
   (B)   Conditions of bond. Any negligence or improper occupancy of the streets, sidewalks or other public places shall be provided against in the bond and such bond shall be deposited upon the understanding that it is to cover all of the conditions as set forth in this section.
   (C)   Bond amount. All such persons as described herein, engaged as principals in the business herein described, shall file a surety or other approved bond to be approved by the Mayor and Council in the sum of $2,000 conditioned that such person shall save, indemnify, and keep harmless the city against any and all liabilities, judgments, damages, costs and expenses which may in any way accrue against the city, in consequence of the granting of such permit or while acting under the same, and will under all circumstances strictly comply with the terms of such license and permit.
   (D)   Effect of bond requirement. Any such bond shall not be in any manner affected by the fact of the cash deposit and bond required hereunder.
(Prior Code, § 9-7-3)