The director of public works of the city or his or her authorized agent may revoke any permit required by this article when the conditions of such permit have been violated. The director or his or her agent may reinstate the permit at any time within one year after the revocation.
(Ord. 7314, § 1(11), passed 3-17-1976)
The appropriate utility company shall be permitted to review the proposed route of movement of any building or structure over the streets of the city when the loaded height of such structure exceeds 18 feet. The appropriate utility company shall provide workers and equipment to remove and replace any overhead service lines when necessary for the completion of the move. The cost of removal and replacement of any overhead service lines shall be paid by the person granted a moving permit.
(Ord. 7314, § 1(3), passed 3-17-1976)
Any person applying for a moving or demolition permit shall be required to furnish to the building official a sufficient amount of collateral in the form of a cash bond, cashier’s check, letter of credit from a bank or cash in favor of the city of not less than $150 or not less than the expenses of the moving or demolition work, whichever amount is greater, and conditioned upon the faithful performance of the moving or demolition. The building official shall determine whether the minimum amount is sufficient to complete the performance of moving or demolition work. If the building official determines that the minimum deposit is insufficient he or she shall require an additional deposit to complete the expense of the moving or demolition work. When a person fails to meet the terms of this article the deposit shall be forfeited and the building official shall use said deposit to complete the moving or demolition. Any portion of the deposit remaining after the moving or demolition work shall be returned to the applicant; provided, however, that no performance bond shall be required for the demolition of any building accessory to one- and two-family residences when such demolition work is to be performed by the owner of such residence.
(Ord. 7314, § 1(4), passed 3-17-1976)
Completion of the work pursuant to a moving or demolition permit shall include the removal of any debris caused by such moving or demolition. Moreover the applicant shall repair at his or her own expense any and all damage to public property.
(Ord. 7314, § 1(5), passed 3-17-1976; Ord. 20104-03-2012, § 2, passed 3-20-2012)
All moving and demolition contractors shall obtain from the city a license to conduct their business within the corporate limits of the city; provided, however, that, no license shall be required for the demolition of one- and two-family residences and buildings accessory thereto when such demolition work is to be performed by the owner of such property.
(Ord. 7314, § 1(8), passed 3-17-1976)
Licenses and miscellaneous business regulations, see Ch. 20