Any person affected by a decision of the building official in the enforcement of the various provisions of the building code of the city as applied to shelter construction may appeal such decision to the building code board of appeals of the city under the applicable rules and regulations of such appeal board.
(1964 Code, § 10-8)
Motor vehicles and traffic, see Ch. 22
Except as specifically provided for in this article, no person shall move, remove, raze or demolish any building or structure within the city without first obtaining from the building official a moving permit and/or demolition permit; required, however, that, a moving permit is not required when a building or structure is being moved pursuant to a permit issued by the state and when the route of movement is confined to state or federal highways. In addition, no moving permit is required when a newly constructed building or structure is to be moved outside the corporate limits of the city if the building or structure does not exceed eight feet in width, 45 feet in length or 13 feet six inches in height when loaded on a transporting vehicle and if the moving route has been approved by the Texas Highway Department.
(Ord. 7314, § 1(1), passed 3-17-1976)
A permit for moving or demolition work shall expire and be invalid if the moving or demolition work has neither commenced within ten days nor has been completed within 60 days; provided, however, that, nothing contained herein shall prohibit the building official from extending the expiration date of a moving or demolition permit upon a showing by the applicant that a completion date greater than 60 days is required.
(Ord. 7314, § 1(7), passed 3-17-1976)