Any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed $2,000 for all violations involving fire safety, or public health and sanitation and shall be fined not more than $500 for all other violations of this ordinance. Each day or any portion thereof during which any violation of this ordinance occurs or continues shall be deemed a separate offense and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable as herein provided.
(Ord. 13520, § 4, passed 7-14-1998; Ord. 14647, § 4, passed 6-5-2001; Ord. 15950, § 4, passed 4-13-2004; Ord. 19603-03-2011, § 4, passed 3-22-2011; Ord. 22518-12-2016, § 4, passed 12-6- 2016, eff. 1-1-2017; Ord. 23569-02-2019, § 2, passed 2-12-2019, eff. 2-23-2019; Ord. 25384-03-2022, § 4, passed 3-8-2022, eff. 4-1-2022)
For the purposes of this article, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section.
CIVIL DEFENSE FALLOUT SHELTER. Any building or structure which is designed to be used primarily for the purposes of providing protection to the occupants thereof from the effects of fire, heat and radiological fallout resulting from a disaster.
DISASTER. Actual or threatened enemy attack, sabotage, extraordinary fire, storm, epidemic, riot, earthquake or other similar public calamity. In the case of a nuclear attack, the disaster situation will be anticipated to last for a two-week period.
(1964 Code, § 10-1)
Definitions and rules of construction generally, see § 1-2
There is established a civil defense fallout shelter board, which shall consist of one representative each from the fire department, the building division of the department of public works and the civil defense office. The members of the civil defense fallout shelter board shall be appointed by the city manager.
(1964 Code, § 10-2)