6-5-1 Purpose
6-5-2 Definitions
6-5-3 Water distribution system
6-5-4 Management
6-5-5 Disclaimer of liability
6-5-6 Emergency suspension of service
6-5-7 Water pressure
6-5-8 Temporary interruption of service; notification
6-5-9 Location of water facilities
6-5-10 Water availability
6-5-11 Unlawful use of city-owned waterworks system
6-5-12 Water leak repairs
6-5-13 Application
6-5-14 Billing
6-5-15 Default in payment
6-5-16 Unauthorized use of unmetered water
6-5-17 Application for water service connection; repair permit
6-5-18 Customer responsibility; neglect, wasting water, failure of valves/piping
6-5-19 Plumbing inspection
6-5-20 Standards for dwelling units, commercial uses, industrial uses and fire services
6-5-21 Taps, connections and disconnections
6-5-22 General location requirements
6-5-23 Material for service pipes
6-5-24 Service line appurtenances
6-5-25 Stop valves
6-5-26 Combination domestic and fire service pipes
6-5-27 Repair of water service
6-5-28 Water meters generally
6-5-29 Residential meters
6-5-30 Apartments, duplexes and condominiums
6-5-31 Institutions
6-5-32 Type and size of meters
6-5-33 Ownership
6-5-34 Installation and meter location
6-5-35 Maintenance
6-5-36 Changes in load
6-5-37 Meter failures
6-5-38 Meter removal restricted
6-5-39 Water supply to other persons prohibited
6-5-40 Bulk water rates
6-5-41 Cross-connections and backflow prevention
6-5-42 Water service main extensions generally
6-5-43 Connection fee
6-5-44 Transmission mains
6-5-45 Submittals and procedures
6-5-46 Material for service mains
6-5-47 Pressure testing and flushing
6-5-48 Plumbers’ responsibilities
6-5-49 Disinfection of water main
6-5-50 Metering
6-5-51 Operation of fire hydrants
6-5-52 Penalty for unauthorized use
6-5-53 Relocation of public fire hydrants
6-5-54 Obstruction of hydrants, valves, meter pits or curb stops
6-5-55 Painting of public fire hydrants
6-5-56 Definition of private fire protection system
6-5-57 Design of a private fire protection system
6-5-58 Combination service from fire line
6-5-59 Alterations of private fire protection system
6-5-60 Street excavation
6-5-61 Water conservation plan
6-5-62 Plan rates
6-5-63 Fees and charges
6-5-64 Private wells within the city
6-5-65 Water use metered
6-5-66 Installation charges
6-5-67 Meter tampering
6-5-68 Water rates
6-5-69 Annual adjustment of base charges and user rates
6-5-70 Responsibility for customer water billing
6-5-71 Water billing cycle
6-5-72 Right to protest
6-5-73 Discontinuation of service
6-5-74 Lien for non-payment
6-5-75 Lien exemption
6-5-76 Lien notice
6-5-77 Security deposit
6-5-78 Turn off/on fees
6-5-79 Door postings
6-5-80 Return check fee
6-5-81 Connection required