Following a satisfactory pressure test, in accordance with the current revision of AWWA standard C-601, all service mains shall be disinfected, sampled and tested as follows.
   (A)   The form of chlorine used and the procedures for disinfection shall be as outlined in AWWA standard C-601. A minimum free residual chlorine concentration of ten milligrams per liter (10 mg/l) shall be maintained for the 24-hour disinfection period. The plumbing contractor will supply the chlorine for disinfection purposes, and this is to be considered incidental to the project.
   (B)   After the 24-hour disinfection period, the city personnel shall supervise the flushing of the service main to remove all free chlorine. The plumbing contractor will conduct his or her own flushing; this does not include operating the valve connected at the public water main.
   (C)   Twenty-four hours after the service main has been flushed, the city personnel shall take a sample of water from the service main to be tested for compliance with the physical, chemical and bacteriological standards as prescribed by the national interim primary drinking water standards. Test results shall be available within 48 hours from the time when the sample was taken. Water used for flushing and sampling shall be provided by the city for up to two flushing and sampling procedures, if required, to pass laboratory tests.
   (D)   If the first two samples do not pass laboratory tests, any labor and equipment costs incurred by the city for further disinfection, flushing or sampling shall be billed to the plumbing contractor.
(Ord. D-20, passed 10-21-2014)