(A) Scope. The provisions of this section shall apply to drinking and non-drinking private water wells, other than monitoring wells used in connection with soil and ground water contamination within the city limits.
(B) Private wells prohibited. No person shall construct a private well within the city limits after the effective date hereof, and no private well shall be allowed in any contaminated area, as determined by the city or the state’s Department of Natural Resources. This prohibition shall not apply to closed loop geothermal wells.
(C) Registration of preexisting wells. Any person who owns property in the city which has a water well as of the effective date hereof, other than a monitoring well, shall register said well with the city. There shall be no fee for the registration of a preexisting well. Registration shall include, but not be limited to, exact location, well history, separation from public water supply and vulnerability to contaminants. Any preexisting well located in a contaminated area shall be plugged and sealed in accordance with the state’s Department of Natural Resources regulations at the owner’s cost. In addition, closed loop geothermal wells must be registered with the city upon commencement of construction, the same as preexisting wells.
(D) Hook on to city system.
(1) If city water is available in the area, the property must hook on to the city system.
(2) Failure to do so will result in a monthly fee of $10 until property owner hooks on to the city water supply.
(E) Penalty.
(1) Any person found guilty of a violation of any provisions of this chapter shall be subject to a civil penalty of $500 for each violation.
(2) Each day that a violation is allowed to continue shall constitute a separate and distinct violation.
(Ord. D-20, passed 10-21-2014)