Ord. No.
Ord. No.
Establishing grades.
Granting to the C. B. & Q. R. R. permission to lay side tracks on and across certain streets.
Granting certain rights to the Chicago, Santa Fe and California Railway Company of Iowa.
Amending Ord. 49, being an ordinance granting certain rights to the Chicago, Santa Fe and California Railway Company of Iowa.
Granting certain rights and privileges to the Chicago, Santa Fe and California Railway Company of Iowa and permanent maintenance by said corporation of its principal construction and repair shops in Madison Township, Lee County, Iowa, and vacating a portion of West Street.
Granting permission and authority to the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company to move that part of its main track and side track lying between Broadway and Bridge over Penitentiary Creek, and to reconstruct the same, and to maintain and operate the same where so moved and constructed.
Establishing grades.
Granting authority to the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company to extend street to connect with the plant of the Morrison Manufacturing Company.
Franchise granted to Western Union Telegraph Company.
Vacation of alley between Front Street and Second Street, and providing for a strip of ground to be given by the Morrison Manufacturing Company to the city for public purposes.
Authorizing the erection of posts, wires and the maintenance of a telephone exchange in the city.
Opening, laying off and establishing Halliday Street.
Granting certain rights to the Prairie Oil and Gas Company.
Granting authority to the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company to extend its present side tracks on Front Street to connect with the warehouses and shops and property of the Fort Madison Chair Company, the Iowa Farm Tool Company and the Iowa State Penitentiary.
Vacation of alley, and establishing of an alley.
Amending Ord. 21, the same being an ordinance establishing grades.
Establishing a street.
Establishing grades.
Establishing permanent sidewalk grades.
Establishing grade of Fourth Street.
Empowering the congregation of Sacred Heart Church to establish a cemetery within the limits of the city.
Granting certain rights and privileges to the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway.
Granting authority to the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company to construct and maintain a side track.
Establishing grades on Fifth Street.
Establishing grades on Front Street.
Establishing sidewalk grades.
Vacating of an alley.
Sidewalk grades.
Establishing sidewalk grades on Fourth Street.
Establishing grades of certain streets.
Establishing grades on Front Street, Des Moines and Sixth Streets.
Establishing grades on Sixth Street.
Granting certain rights and privileges to the Standard Oil Company.
Establishing grades on Front Street.
Providing for the vacation and vacating Person Street.
Establishing grades in the alley between Front and Second Streets and Pine and Cedar Streets, and in the alley between Front and Second Streets and Chestnut and Walnut Streets.
Establishing grades on Fifth Street.
Providing for the vacation of Third Street.
Granting authority to the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company to build, operate and maintain a railroad track on Connecticut Avenue.
Opening of Vermont Avenue.
Establishing grades in the alley between Second and Third Streets and Chestnut and Walnut Streets.
Establishing grades on Connecticut Avenue.
Establishing grades of Second Street.
Establishing the grades of certain streets, avenues, roads, highways and special points in Factoria Addition.
Opening of Fourth Street.
Providing for the maintenance of an electric arc street light.
Establishing grades on Santa Fe Avenue and Oak Street.
Establishing grades on Fifth Street and Elm Street.
Establishing grades on Market and Sixth Streets.
Establishing grades on Webster Street.
Vacation of alleys.
Granting franchise to Iowa Telephone Company.
Vacating certain streets and public places in Factoria Addition.
Vacating streets.
Granting to Standard Oil Company permission to erect and maintain a service and filling station.
Vacating streets.
Vacating streets and alleys.
Granting to the Cedar Rapids Oil Company permission to erect and maintain a service or filling station.
Granting franchise to Westion Union Telegraph Company.
Granting to the Consumers Service Stations, Inc. permission to erect and maintain a service or filling station.
Vacating certain portions of Factoria Avenue, Second Avenue, Madison Avenue, Monroe Avenue, Jackson Avenue and Van Buren Avenue.
Granting to the Sinclair Refining Company permission to erect and maintain a distributing station.
Granting to the Sinclair Refining Company permission to erect and maintain a distributing station.
Granting to the Consumers Service Stations, Inc., permission to erect and maintain a storage plant and warehouse.
Vacating streets and alleys.
Granting authority to the Hinde and Dauche Paper Company to construct and operate side tracks.
Granting to the Board of Control of State institutions the right to construct and maintain a switch track.
Granting to the Standard Oil Company permission to erect and maintain a service and filling station.
Establishing grades on Second Street.
Establishing grades on Occidental and Hamilton Streets.
Establishing grades on Sixth Street.
Vacating a portion of Hamilton Street and dedicating said portion of the street thus vacated.
Vacating alley.
Establishing grades on Chestnut and Bluff Streets.
Establishing grades on Fourth Street.
Establishing grades on Second Street.
Establishing curb grades on Santa Fe Avenue.
Granting to the Sinclair Refining Company permission to erect a service and filling station.
Establishing grades on Spruce, Seventh and Front Streets.
Establishing grades in alley.
Establishing grades in alley.
Vacating portions of streets and avenues.
Granting to Armould’s Oil Company permission to erect and maintain a service and filling station.
Granting to Leonard Schell permission to erect and maintain a service and filling station.
Establishing grades on Front Street.
Establishing grades on Front and Broadway Streets.
Changing names of streets.
Granting authority to the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company to lay, construct and maintain an industry on side track.
Granting franchise to Artesian Ice Company.
Granting franchise to Hinde and Dauche Paper Company.
Establishing grades on Avenues I and G.
Establishing grades on Avenue I.
Establishing grades on Sixth Street.
Establishing grades on Avenue E.
Establishing grades on Avenue D.
Establishing grades on 27th Street.
Establishing grades on Avenue E.
Establishing grades on streets and alleys.
Establishing sidewalk grades.
Vacating alley.
Establishing grades on Avenue D and on Third Street.
Establishing grades on Seventh Street and on Avenue E.
Establishing grades in alleys.
Water rates.
Granting to the Standard Oil Company of Indiana permission to erect and maintain a service and filling station.
Granting to H. D. Everingham permission to erect and maintain a storage plant and warehouse.
Establishing grades on Avenues H, I and M and on 29th Street.
Establishing the grade of Avenue J.
Establishing grades in alleys.
Establishing grades on 23rd Street.
Granting to George Helling permission to erect and maintain a service and filling station.
Granting to Henry S. Eikmeyer permission to erect and maintain a service and filling station, (tire and battery station).
Vacation of 36th Street.
Establishment and opening of 36th Street.
Establishing sidewalk grades.
Granting to Roy West permission to erect and maintain a service and filling station.
Granting to Thomas Gaule permission to erect and maintain a service and filling station.
Granting to the American Seventy Corporation permission to erect and maintain a storage plant, warehouse, tanks and pumps.
Granting to G. W. Capwell permission to erect and maintain a service and filling station.
Granting to F. L. Childs permission to erect and maintain a service and filling station.
Granting to Joseph Claypoole permission to erect and maintain a service and filling station.
Granting to E. W. Wyrick permission to erect and maintain a service and filling station.
Vacation of Avenue E.
Vacating alley.
Granting to Z. O. Zentgraf permission to erect and maintain a storage plant and warehouse.
Vacating parts of streets, avenues and alleys.
Granting to D. F. Andrews permission to erect and maintain a service and filling station.
Vacating streets and alleys and parts of streets and alleys.
Granting authority to the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad to build, operate and maintain two railroad tracks.
Granting to Earp and McDonald Company permission to erect and maintain a service and filling station.
Granting to Iowa Union Electric Company a franchise.
Granting a franchise to Mississippi River Power Company.
Granting to the Town Pump permission to erect and maintain a service filling station.
Granting a franchise to Fort Madison Gas Light Company.
Vacating Tenth Street.
Granting permission to Otis Clar Company to construct, maintain and use a coal room.
Establishing grades.
Establishing grades on Avenue N.
Establishing grades on 12th, 14th and 20th Streets.
Establishing grades on Avenue L, 17th Street and 24th Street.
Establishing grades on 20th and 16th Streets.
Vacating portions of Avenue G, Avenue E and Fourth Street.
Granting authority to the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company to construct a side track from the main line of said Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad tracks.
Vacation of portion of 18th Street.
Establishing grades.
Establishing grades on Avenue G and on 27th Street.
Establishing alley grades.
Vacation of portion of alley.
Establishing street grades.
Vacation of portion of street.
Vacation of alley.
Granting to Chester B. Brown permission to erect and maintain a service and filling station.
Providing for the lighting by electricity of the streets, avenues, alleys and other public places in the city.
Establishing grades on Richards Drive and on 30th Street.
Annual tax levy.
Annual tax levy.
Park fund certificate issue.
Annual tax levy.
Permitting certain owners in the city to use part of an alley.
Vacation of 12th Street.
Providing for annual tax and for issuance of certificates.
Vacation of Third Street.
Providing for annual tax and for the issuance of certificates.
Vacating Avenue K.
Vacating 22nd Street.
Establishing sidewalk grades.
Vacating alley.
Providing for the lighting by electricity of the streets, avenues, alleys and other public places.
Vacating alley.
Granting franchise to Madison Coaxial Antenna, Incorporated.
Revacating street.
Establishing grades.
Issuance of general obligation street improvement bonds.
Alley Vacation, Lot 17, Block 2, FMT&L Subd. of Allens Addn. - To Wm. Garner.
Street Vacation, Outlot 1101 - To R. N. Johnson.
Vacation: Avenues M, N, 0 - 14th to 15th Block 5 Atlee’s Addn., Interstate Wholesale.
Vacation: Avenues M, N, 0 - 14th to 15th. Block 5 Atlee’s Addn., Interstate Wholesale.
Street lighting, Union Electric Contract.
Grades: Avenue A - 21st Street West.
Establishing grades of streets and alleys.
Alley Vacation, Block 9, South West Addn., Chariton Storage (HyVee).
General obligation bond issue.
Alley vacation, Block 1057, School District.
Vacating streets and alleys.
Street vacation, A & First, R. W. Deitchler.
Electric franchise, Union Electric.
Election on Union Electric Franchise.
Sewer bond issue.
Iowa Video, Inc. franchise.
Vacation of Avenue A between 15th Street and C. B. & Q. right-of-way on the West. To Dr. R. E. Murphy.
Vacation of 125 feet of 19th Street lying immediately North of Avenue P.
Sewer bond issue.
Sewer bond issue.
Amending Zoning Ordinance No. A-143 to rezone an area at 3923 Avenue L.
Gas franchise, North Central Public Service Co.
Sewer revenue bond issue.
Amending Zoning Ordinance No. A-143 to rezone area lying on the Southeast corner of the intersection of Avenue A and Fredericks Lane.
Vacation, To Textron Corp., alley between 12th and 13th Street, South of Avenue I.
Establishing temporary traffic regulations on 15th Street.
Zoning classification change.
Zoning classification change.
Vacation, to adjoining property owners, portion of Avenue A in 1200 Block.
Amending Zoning Ordinance No. A-143 to rezone an area in the 1100 block Avenue G.
Amending Zoning Ordinance No. A-143 to rezone an area on the South side of Highway #61, West of 39th Street.
Vacating the alley in Block 17 of Fairview Addition.
Vacation of a portion of 16th Street between the North Line of Avenue N and the South Line of the alley North of Avenue N.
Amending Zoning Ordinance No. A-143 to rezone an area at 805 to 815 Avenue F.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance Title 10 of the city code to provide that area known as “Scenic Hills Area” be classified as an R-1B Single-Family Dwelling District.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance Title 10 of the city code to provide that area known as “Pilley Brush” area be classified as an M-2 Industrial area.
Providing for the vacation and conveyance of a portion of Twenty-First Street South of Avenue O in the City of Fort Madison to Montgomery Ward & Co., Incorporated.
Water revenue bond issue.
Amending Zoning Ordinance Title 10 of the city code by changing the District Map to include annexed land, and to change the classification thereof from R-1 One-Family Dwelling District to I-2 Industrial District, General.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone designated area from B-2 Business District, General, and R-3 One-Family Dwelling District, to R-6 Multiple-Family Dwelling District.
Establishing street grades.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone designated area from R-3 One-Family Dwelling District, to R-6, Multiple Family Dwelling District.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone certain designated areas from Residential to Business and from Unclassified to Industrial.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10, of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone designated area from R-1 One-Family Dwelling District to B-4 Highway Business District.
Vacating, on conditions, a part of Avenue H in the City of Fort Madison, Lee County, Iowa, and providing for conveyance thereof to Howard S. Wright.
Granting franchise to Iowa Video, Inc.
Making the entire City of Fort Madison, Iowa, one precinct for the special election pertaining to the Iowa Video, Inc. franchise to be held on 6-21-1971.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone certain designated area from Highway Business District to General Business District.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone certain designated area from One-Family Dwelling District to General Business District.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone certain designated area from One-Family Dwelling District to General Business District.
Vacation and Conveyance of 145 feet of 4th Street lying immediately north of Avenue D.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone certain designated area from One-Family Dwelling District to Highway Business District.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone certain designated area from One-Family Dwelling District to Multiple-Family District.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone certain designated area from Single-Family Dwelling District to Business District General.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone certain designated area from Two-Family Dwelling District to Service and Wholesale District.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone certain designated area from Business District General to Single-Family Dwelling District.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone certain designated area from R-1 Single- Family to R-4 Single-Family Dwelling District.
Establishing grades.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone certain designated area from I-I Industrial District Limited to I-2 Industrial District General.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone certain designated area from R-4 Single-Family Dwelling District to R-6 Multiple- Family Dwelling District.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone certain designated area from R-4 Single-Family Dwelling District to B-4 Highway Business District.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone certain designated area from R-2 Single-Family Dwelling District to an R-4 Single- Family Dwelling District.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone certain designated area from R-5 Two-Family Dwelling District to an R-6 Multiple- Family Dwelling District.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone the north side of Avenue H from 17th Street West a distance of 350 feet to a B-3 Service and Wholesale District.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone certain designated area from R-4 One-Family Dwelling District to an R-2 Industrial District, General.
Vacation and conveyance of the east 100 feet of the alley lying between Avenues G and H in the 400 Block of the city.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code by changing the District Map to rezone a certain designated area from R-1 Single-Family District to R-2 Single-Family District.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone a certain designated area from B-4 Highway Business District to B-2 Business District, General.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing from the present B-4 Highway Business District to B-2 Business District General the property at 24-1-2407 Avenue L.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone a certain designated area from R-6 Multiple-Family Dwelling District to I-I Industrial Limited District.
An Ordinance vacating and providing for the conveyance of the alley between Lot 9 and Lots 5, 6 and 7 of Outlot 1083 in the City of Fort Madison, Lee County, Iowa.
An ordinance adopting Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone a certain designated area from R-2 One-Family Dwelling District to R-6 Multiple- Family Dwelling District.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone a certain designated area from R-6 Multiple-Family to I-I Industrial District Limited.
Amending Ord. B-83 which granted to Iowa Video, Inc. a franchise for the transmission and distribution of television impulses and television energy.
An ordinance providing for the issuance of $940,000 sewer construction bonds, and levying a tax to pay said bonds.
An Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code by changing the District Map to rezone a certain designated area from B-3 Service and Wholesale to R-6 Multiple-Family.
An Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code by changing the District Map to rezone a certain designated area from R-4 Single-Family to R-6 Multiple-Family.
An ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code by changing the District Map to include land annexed in Sections 22, 23, 26 and 27 in Jefferson Township, Lee County, Iowa and to rezone the area from an R-1 One-Family Dwelling District to an I-2 General Industrial District.
An ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code by changing the District Map to rezone a certain designated area known as 331 Avenue D from R-5 Two-Family Dwelling District to R-6 Multiple-Family Dwelling District.
(Rep. by Ord. B-468, passed 5-21-1985)
An ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone a certain designated area known as a piece of property located north of Alta Drive, south of Bluff Road, west of Dry Creek and east of an imaginary extended line of 31st Street, from the present R-3 One-Family Dwelling District to R-4 One-Family Dwelling District.
An ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone certain designated area from Multiple-Family District to Single-Family Dwelling District.
An ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone a certain designated area known as 1704, 1714-16, 1720, 1724 and 1726 Avenue H, from the present R-5 Two- Family Dwelling District to B-4 Highway Business District.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone 3302 Avenue L from a R-4 Single- Family Dwelling District to a B-2 Business District and 3310, 3316 and 3320 Avenue L from a R-4 Single-Family Dwelling District to a B-4 Business District.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10, of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone 519 2nd Street from R-6 Multiple-Family Dwelling District to a B-3 Service and Wholesale District.
Amending official Zoning District Map by changing property from R-4 Single- Family Residential to R-6 Multiple-Family Residential.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by adding to the District Map as an I-2 Industrial District, General, an area in Jefferson Township which was omitted from the Map at the time of the adoption of the Zoning Ordinance.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone a part of Outlot 1067 from R-5 Two-Family District to B-3 Service and Wholesale District.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone a part of Block 7, in West Madison or M.A.P. Douglas Addition from R-4 Single-Family Dwelling District to B-2 Business District General.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone an area in the 900 block of 48th Street from an R-2 Single- Family Dwelling District to an R-6 Multi-Family Dwelling District.
Vacating, on conditions, a part of Avenue H in the City of Fort Madison, Lee County, Iowa, and providing for conveyance thereof to Howard S. Wright.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone an area on the south side of U.S. 61 between the T.G. & Y. Store and the Ortho Road from and R-1 Single-Family District to a B-3 Service and Wholesale District.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone an area bounded by Avenue N on the north, 39th Street on the east, 40th Street on the west and Highway 61 on the south from B-2 District General to a B-3 Service and Wholesale District.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone 2702 Avenue L from R-4 One- Family Dwelling District to B-2 Business District General.
An ordinance vacating that part of Avenues G & H in the city west of the west line of 34th Place.
An ordinance providing for partial property tax exemptions for industrial property on which improvements have been made.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code by changing the District Map to rezone an area south of Avenue Q between 36th and 39th Streets from an R-4 One- Family Dwelling District to an I-2 General Industrial District.
An ordinance vacating the south block of 37th Street and certain adjacent alleys.
An ordinance vacating a street right-of-way at 300 block of Avenue A.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code by changing the District Map to rezone the property located at Highway 61 west from a R-1, Single-Family Dwelling District to a B-2, General Retail Business District.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code by changing the District Map to rezone the property located at Highway 61 west from a R-1 Single-Family Dwelling District to a R-6, Multiple-Family Dwelling District.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code by changing the District Map to rezone the property at 48th Street and Avenue J from a R-2, Single-Family Dwelling District to a R-6, Multiple-Family Dwelling District.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code by changing the District Map to rezone the property located at 1023 Avenue G from a R-6, Multiple-Family District to a B-3 Service and Wholesale District.
An ordinance providing an Agreement, the effective date of which is 7-1-1980 through 6-30-1981, between the city and Seco Division, Local 246, International Brotherhood of Painters and Allied Trades, AFL-CIO.
An ordinance providing reserved parking space for penitentiary and other law enforcement agencies use near the Lee County District Courthouse.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code by changing the property located at north and east of intersection 49th Street and Avenue J from an R-6 Multiple-Family Dwelling District to a B-2 Business District, General Retail.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, changing the property located between 37th Street and 40th Street between Avenue L and Avenue N from a B-2 General Retail Business District to an R-6 Multiple- Family Residential District.
An ordinance establishing an urban revitalization/renewal area in the city, and adopting a plan for the development to the area.
Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code by changing the District Map to rezone 2201 Avenue H from R-4 Single- Family Dwelling District to B-2 General Retail District.
An ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code by changing the District Map to rezone 2001 Avenue L from R-4 Single-Family Dwelling District to B-4 Highway Business District.
An ordinance repealing special Ord. 57 of the City of Fort Madison, Iowa so that certain property owned by the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company can be annexed to the City of Fort Madison, Lee County, Iowa.
An Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code by changing the District Map so as to rezone 4707 Avenue L from an R-2 One-Family Dwelling District to a B-2 Business General Retail District.
An ordinance amending the Official Zoning Map of the city, so that the property located at 1705 Avenue G in the city be zoned as an R-5, Two-Family Dwelling District.
An ordinance amending the Official Zoning Map of the city, by changing property located at 214 Avenue F from an R-6 Multiple-Family Dwelling District to a B-4 Highway Business District.
An ordinance amending the Official Zoning Map of the city, by changing property located at 23rd Street and Avenue M from a B-3 Service and Wholesale Business District to an R-5 Two-Family Dwelling District.
An ordinance vacating 4th Street right-of-way between Avenue C and the alley south of Avenue C.
An ordinance amending the Official Zoning Map of the city, by changing the property located at 511 2nd Street from an R-6 Multi-Family to B-3 Service and Wholesale District.
An ordinance amending the Official Zoning Map of the city, by changing property from R-1, One-Family Dwelling District to I-2, General Industrial District.
An ordinance amending the Official Zoning Map of the city, by changing property located at 628-35th Street in the city, from a R-4 One- Family Dwelling District to a B-1 Business District, Limited Retail.
An ordinance amending the Official Zoning Map of the city, by changing property located at 3111 Avenue K in the city from an R-4 One- Family Dwelling District to a B-1 Business District, Limited Retail.
An ordinance amending the Official Zoning Map of the city, by changing said Zoning Map to reflect the existence of a B-2 Business at the property described herein as Lots 4 and 5 of Outlot 1073 in the city.
An ordinance amending the Official Zoning Map of the city, by changing property bounded by Crescent Lane, 33rd Street, Bluff Road on the north and Alta Drive in the city, from an R-3 One- Family Dwelling District to an R-4 One-Family Dwelling District.
An ordinance establishing grades on streets, avenues and alleys as follows: Avenue J, the 2600 block; Avenue J, the 4600 and 4700 block; Avenue M from 21st Street alley to 23rd Street; 22nd Street alley between Avenue L and Avenue M; and, 34th Street from Avenue D to Avenue E, all in the city.
An ordinance establishing the Fort Madison Riverfront Self-Supported Municipal Improvement District, pursuant to the provisions of Iowa Code Chapter 386 and providing for the establishment of funds and the levy of annual taxes in connection therewith.
An ordinance establishing grades on streets, avenues and alleys as follows: Avenue G east of 1st Street.
An Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code by changing the District Map to rezone property along Avenue H east of French Creek from R-5, Two-Family Dwelling District to B-4, Highway Business District.
An ordinance granting for a period of ten years to Union Electric Company, a corporation, its successors and assigns, the right, permission and authority to construct, reconstruct, excavate for, place, maintain, operate and use its poles, towers, wires, conduits, conductors, manholes, underground vaults and other equipment, and appliances in connection therewith, in, along, across, over and under the streets, roads, alleys, sidewalks, squares, bridges and other public places in the city and areas dedicated to the city for public utility use, for the purpose of transmitting, furnishing and distributing electricity for light, heat, power and other purposes within and through said city, prescribing the terms and conditions of such grant, imposing certain obligations upon the grantee, its successors and assigns, successively, in connection therewith; and, providing that, this ordinance shall not be effective unless and until such grant be approved by a majority of the voters of the city at an election.
An ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone property at 1100 48th Street from R-1 One-Family Dwelling District to B-2, Business District, General.
An ordinance repealing, in its entirety, ICR Ord. B-222 which established charges for the industrial cost recovery system to recover that portion of the Federal Environmental Protection Agency Grant Project Number C190596-01 which is allocable to the industrial user portion of the facilities constructed under said project number. Also included was the charge for industrial cost recovery of the local financing costs associated with Project Number C190399 which is allocable to the industrial user portion of the facilities under said project number.
An ordinance vacating an alley right-of-way between 14th and 15th Streets between Avenue M and Avenue N.
An ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code by changing the District Map from B-2, General Business District to R-6, Multi- Family Dwelling District.
An ordinance establishing grades on streets, avenues and alleys as follows: Bluff Road, Avenue A, Chalk Ridge Road, 35th Street, 33rd Street and Crescent Lane.
An ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone property on the north side of the 1800 block of Avenue I from 18th to 19th Street from an R-5 Two-Family Dwelling District to a B-2 Business District.
An ordinance vacating an alley right-of-way between 18th and 19th Streets between Avenue H and I, except the west 93 feet, subject to said property reverting to use as an alleyway if actual construction and expansion of the store and parking lot is not completed by 1-15-1989.
An ordinance vacating 5th Street from Avenue C south to the north line of the alley located between Avenues C and D, with easement rights retained by the city.
An ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone property at 2002 Avenue L, from an R-6, Multi-Family Dwelling to a B-3, Service and Wholesale Business.
An ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone property on the north side of the 1900 block of Avenue I, from an R-4, Single-Family Residential to a B-2, General Business District.
An ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone property on the south side of the 2000 block of Avenue L, from an R-6, Multi-Family, to a B-4, Highway Business District.
An ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone property at 1501 39th Street, from an R-4, Single-Family Residential to a B-4, Highway Business District.
An ordinance vacating a ten- foot wide, 230-foot north- south undeveloped alley west of 14th Street, south of French Creek.
An ordinance vacating the north-south alley and the first 100 feet of the east-west alley immediately east of Lincoln Elementary School.
An ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone property at 1502 39th Street, from an R-4, Single-Family Residential to a B-1, Business District, Limited Retail.
An ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone 2.3 acres adjacent to the Lee County landfill from an R-1, Single-Family Residential to an I-2, General Industrial District.
An ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone property north of Avenue L and west of 48th Street, from a B-2, Limited Retail to R-6, Multi-Family.
An ordinance vacating the west 200 feet of the east-west alley lying east of 7th Street between Avenues G and H.
An ordinance vacating Avenue O right-of-way west of 39th Street, with easement rights retained by the city.
An ordinance vacating property adjacent to 14th Street right-of-way north of Avenue B, with easement rights retained by the city.
An ordinance vacating property known as Lot 37A, just west of #2 Richard Drive.
An ordinance vacating property known as 3430 Avenue Q.
An ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 by changing the district map to rezone property on both sides of the highway in the 1500-1600 Blocks of Avenue H from R-4, One-Family District and R-5, Two-Family District to B-3, Service and Wholesale District.
An ordinance adopting a plan for an urban by revitalization tax exemption district in the City of Fort Madison, Lee County, Iowa. (Repealed by Ord. C-134)
An ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the district map to rezone property south of Avenue L, between 26th and 27th Street, north of Avenue N, from B-2 General Retail and R-5 Residential Two-Family to a B-3, Service and Wholesale District.
An ordinance providing for the division of taxes levied on taxable property in the Fort Madison Urban Renewal Area No. 1 of the city, pursuant to Iowa Code § 403.19.
An ordinance vacating 6th Street between High C and C Alley.
An ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the district map to rezone property known as Gregory Manufacturing at Henry Ladyn Drive and Highway 61 South from an R-1, One-Family Dwelling District to an I-2, General Industrial District.
An ordinance vacating property within Fort Madison Urban Renewal District #1 bounded on the north by Avenue L, on the south by Avenue N, on the west by 27th Street and on the east by 26th Street, excluding the Quick Shop Property on the northwest corner, with drainage and utility easement rights retained by the city.
An ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone property known as Super 8 Motel, Highway 61 west, from an R-1, One-Family Dwelling District to an R-6, Multi-Family Dwelling District.
An ordinance adopting a plan for an urban revitalization tax exemption district in the city. (Repealed by Ord. C-134)
An ordinance adopting a plan for an urban revitalization tax exemption district in the city. (Repealed by Ord. C-134)
An ordinance adopting a plan for an urban revitalization tax exemption district in the city. (Repealed by Ord. C-134)
An ordinance granting unto Midwest Gas, a division of Iowa Public Service Company, an Iowa corporation, its successors and assigns, a non-exclusive franchise and right for a period of 15 years to erect, construct, reconstruct, maintain and operate a gas plant or plants and distribution system or systems for the transmission and distribution of gas in the city and to enter upon and to use and occupy the streets, avenues, alleys, bridges and other public places of the city for the purpose of erecting, constructing, reconstructing, maintaining and operating thereon, therein, thereunder and thereover said systems, consisting of gas mains, pipes, pipelines, conduits and other necessary or useful appurtenances or equipment related thereto for the transmission and distribution of gas, together with the franchise and right to supply, distribute and sell gas for heat, air conditioning, cooking, light, fuel and any other purpose to the city and to the inhabitants thereof and others within the corporate limits of the city, and prescribing the terms and conditions of the grant and repealing all ordinances in conflict therewith.
An ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance, Title 10 of the city code, by changing the District Map to rezone property known as 1927 Avenue L from an R-4, One- Family Dwelling District to a B-3, Service and Wholesale District.
An ordinance vacating two “paper” alleys located on city property at the southeast corner of 26th and Avenue L with the utility and drainage easements retained by the city.
An ordinance adopting a plan for an urban revitalization tax exemption district in the city. (Repealed by Ord. C-134)
An ordinance vacating city-owned property at 29th and Avenue N, with utility and drainage easements retained by the city.
An ordinance repealing, in its entirety, Ord. B-503, and adding a new ordinance changing the District Map to rezone property on the south side of the 2000 Block of Avenue L, from an R-6, Multi-Family, to a B-4, Highway Business.
An ordinance adopting a plan for an urban revitalization tax exemption district in the city.
An ordinance providing for the division of taxes levied on taxable property in the Fort Madison Urban Renewal Area No. 2 of the city, pursuant to Iowa Code § 403.19.
An ordinance adopting a plan for a city-wide urban revitalization tax exemption district in the city.
An ordinance repealing Ord. C-032, Ord. C-052, Ord. C-053, Ord. C-068 and Ord. C-088, regarding urban revitalization tax exemption districts.
An ordinance designating the names of the following streets: Peavine Lane, Orthoway and Rabbit Island Road; and changing the names of the following streets: Old Denmark Hill and Denmark Hilltop.
An ordinance amending Ord. B-184 by increasing the franchise fee paid by Heritage Cablevision, Inc.
An ordinance changing the district map to rezone property at the corner of 26th Street and Avenue L, from an R-5, Two-Family, to a B-2, Business, General Retail.
An ordinance amending Ord. B-140 by amending Section 10 so as to change the terms of payment of the 5% franchise fee paid by Heritage Cablevision, Inc., and to define gross revenues.
An ordinance amending Ord. C-113 changing the legal description to describe property on the south side of the 2000 block of Avenue L.
An ordinance changing the district map to rezone property south of the Burlington Northern right-of- way from 25th Street past 35th Street from an R-1, One- Family, to an I-2, General Industrial District.
An ordinance changing the district map to rezone property located at 5601 Avenue O from an R-1, One-Family, to a B-2, General Retail District.
An ordinance changing the district map to rezone property located at 2640 Avenue K and 1108 27th Street from an R-4, One-Family, to a B-2, General Retail District.
An ordinance changing the district map to rezone property located at 1735 Avenue H from a B-2, General Retail, to a B-3, Service and Wholesale.
An ordinance repealing Ord. C-028, and changing the district map to rezone property on both sides of the highway in the 1500-1600 blocks of Avenue H from an R-4, One-Family (west of French Creek) and an R-5, Two-Family (east of French Creek), to a B-3, Service and Wholesale; excluding property at 1615 Avenue H which will remain R-4, One- Family.
An ordinance changing the district map to rezone property located at 1407 39th Street from a B-3, Service and Wholesale District to an R-6, Multi-Family District.
An ordinance providing for the division of taxes levied on taxable property in the Urban Renewal Area No. 3 of the city, pursuant to Iowa Code § 403.19.
An ordinance changing the district map to rezone properties located at 4834, 4902 and 5031 Avenue O from an R-1, One-Family Dwelling District to a B-2, Business District.
An ordinance providing for the division of taxes levied on taxable property in Urban Renewal Areas No. 4, 5 and 6 of the city, pursuant to Iowa Code § 403.19.
An ordinance providing for the division of taxes levied on taxable property in the Urban Renewal Area No. 7, pursuant to Iowa Code § 403.19. (Repealed by Ord. D- 098)
An ordinance amending the Official Zoning Map of Fort Madison, Iowa, by changing property located at 5036 Avenue O from a B-2, General Business District to a B-3, Service and Wholesale Business District; and by changing the 33 acres directly south of 5036 Avenue O from an R-1, One-Family Residential District to an I-2, General Industrial District.
An ordinance amending the Official Zoning Map of the city, by changing property located at 3032-3034 Avenue L and 3033 Avenue M from an R-4, One-Family Dwelling District to a B-4, Highway Business District.
An ordinance amending the Official Zoning Map of the city, by changing property located at 3909 Avenue O (previously known as 1407 39th Street) from R-6, Multi- Family Dwelling District to B-4, Highway Business District.
An ordinance amending the Official Zoning Map of the city, by changing property located at 2401 through 2405 Avenue M from R-5, Two- Family Residential Dwelling District to B-2, General Business District.
An ordinance vacating city- owned property (Paper Alleyway) between 39th and 40th Street running from Highway 61 north to Avenue N.
An ordinance vacating property known as a portion of platted Avenue A south of the water tower on Denmark Hill Top.
An ordinance regulating the public sale of food, or merchandise, alcoholic beverages and the provision of outdoor entertainment in Riverview Park during RAGBRAI.
An ordinance providing that general property taxes levied and collected each year on all property located within the city’s urban renewal project area, in the city, by and for the benefit of the State of Iowa, City of Fort Madison, County of Lee, Fort Madison Community School District and other taxing districts, be paid to a special fund for payment of principal and interest on loans, monies advanced to and indebtedness, including bonds issued or to be issued, incurred by said city in connection with said urban renewal redevelopment project.
An ordinance amending Title 10 of the code of the city entitled “Zoning” by changing property located at 1123 48th Street from an R-1, Single-Family Residential to an R-6, Multi-Family Residential District.
An ordinance granting to Cablevision VII, Inc., d.b.a. TCI of Eastern Iowa, an Iowa Corporation, a non-exclusive cable television franchise for ten years.
An ordinance amending Title 10 of the code of the city entitled “Zoning” by rezoning property from the landfill entrance north to the corporate limits, east to the quarter section line, from an R-1, Single-Family Residential to an I-2, General Industrial District.
An ordinance designating the street south of Avenue H at 6th Street as Prum Strasse.
An ordinance amending Title 10 of the code of the city entitled “Zoning” by changing property located at 1021 48th Street from an R-1, Single-Family Residential to an R-6, Multi-Family Residential District.
An ordinance amending Title 10 of the code of the city entitled “zoning” by changing certain property located north of Dupont and south of Bluff Road from an R-2 Single-Family Residential, and from an R-4 Single-Family Residential, and from an R-6 Multiple-Family Residential to an I-1 Limited Industrial District.
An ordinance amending Title 10 of the code of the city entitled “zoning” by changing property located at 3102 and 3106 Avenue L from R-4 Single-Family Residential to B-4 Highway Business District.
An ordinance amending Title 10 of the code of the city entitled “zoning” by changing the south side of the 3200 block of Avenue L from R-4 Single-Family Residential to B-4 Highway Business District.
An ordinance amending Title 10 of the code of the city entitled “zoning” by rezoning property located at 1801 Avenue M from I-1 Limited Industrial District to I-2 General Industrial District.
An ordinance vacating property known as the right- of-way of platted Avenue A 20 feet west of 8th Street continuing west 990 feet.
An ordinance amending Title 10 of the code entitled “zoning” by changing the industrial tooling and fabrication property from R-1, Single-Family Residential to I-2, General Industrial.
An ordinance vacating property known as the right- of-way of platted 26th Street north of Avenue A continuing 270 feet.
An ordinance amending title 10 of the code entitled “zoning” by changing 2701 - 2709 Avenue O from R-4 Single-Family Residential dwelling district to R-5 Two-Family Residential Dwelling District.
An ordinance providing that general property taxes levied and collected each year on all property located within the west end development district urban renewal project area, in the city, by and for the benefit of the State of Iowa, City of Fort Madison, County of Lee, Fort Madison Community School District and other taxing districts, be paid to a special fund for payment of principal and interest on loans, monies advanced to and indebtedness, including bonds issued or to be issued, incurred by said city in connection with said urban renewal redevelopment project.
An ordinance amending Title 10 of the code entitled “zoning” by changing Reve subdivision from R-1 Single-Family Residential Dwelling District to B-2 General Business District.
An ordinance vacating property known as part of the right-of-way of 16th Street north of Avenue G, between Avenue G and the alley between Avenues F and G.
An ordinance entitled RAGBRAI ordinance - miscellaneous permits.
An ordinance vacating property known as the north/south alley in the 1600 block, south side of Avenue G.
An ordinance amending Title 10 of this code entitled “zoning” by changing 2701 - 2709 Avenue O (Harrison addition, block 6, lots 16–20) from R-5 Two-Family Residential Dwelling District to R-6 Multiple-Family Residential Dwelling District; and by changing 2715 Avenue O (Harrison addition, block 6, lots 14 and 15) from R-4 Single-Family Residential Dwelling District to R-6 Multiple-Family Residential Dwelling District.
An ordinance vacating 3rd Street north of Avenue D to the alley.
An ordinance vacating a portion of 16th Street south of Avenue L to the alley.
An ordinance vacating a portion of the alley between 38th and 39th Streets south of Avenue Q.
An ordinance vacating 17th Street from Avenue N north to the alley.
An ordinance amending Title 10, “Zoning”, of the municipal code by changing the zoning classification of 4001 Bluff Road from R-2 One-Family Dwelling District to AR-1 Agricultural/Residential District.
An ordinance amending Title 10, “Zoning”, of the municipal code by changing the zoning classification of 1535 Avenue G from R-5 Two-Family Residential Dwelling District to B-2 General Retail Business District.
An ordinance providing that general property taxes levied and collected each year on all property located within the Burlington Hill urban renewal project area, in the city, by and for the benefit of the State of Iowa, City of Fort Madison, County of Lee, Fort Madison Community School District and other taxing districts, be paid to a special fund for payment of principal and interest on loans, monies advanced to and indebtedness, including bonds issued or to be issued, incurred by said city in connection with said urban renewal redevelopment project. (Repealed by Ord. D- 093)
An ordinance amending Title 10, “Zoning”, of the municipal code by changing the zoning classification of 2301 Avenue G from R-4 One-Family Residential Dwelling District to B-2 General Retail Business District.
An ordinance vacating the south 640 feet of the alley right-of-way between 38th and 39th Streets south of Avenue Q.
An ordinance amending Title 10, “Zoning”, of the municipal code by assigning the zoning classification of B-2 General Retail Business District to 5831 and 5833 Avenue O.
An ordinance amending Title 10, “Zoning”, of the municipal code by assigning the zoning classification of B-2 General Retail Business District to 5836 and 5909 Avenue O.
An ordinance amending Title 10, “Zoning,” of the municipal code by changing the zoning classification of 1117 and 1119 23rd Street from R-4 One-Family Residential Dwelling District to B-4 Highway Business District.
An ordinance amending Ord. C-208; providing that, general property taxes levied and collected each year on all property located within the amended urban renewal area #3 (a/k/a cyprus climax TIF district) of the city, by and for the benefit of the State of Iowa, City of Fort Madison, County of Lee, Fort Madison Community School District, and other taxing districts, be paid to a special fund for payment of principal and interest on loans, monies advanced to and indebtedness, including bonds issued or to be issued, incurred by said city in connection with the amended urban renewal area #3 (a/k/a cyprus climax TIF district) redevelopment project.
An ordinance amending Ord. C-208 and C-442, providing that general property taxes levied and collected each year on all property located within the amended urban renewal area #3 (a/k/a cyprus climax TIF district) of the city, by and for the benefit of the State of Iowa, City of Fort Madison, County of Lee, Fort Madison Community School District, and other taxing districts, be paid to a special fund for payment of principal and interest on loans, monies advanced to and indebtedness, including bonds issued or to be issued, incurred by said city in connection with the amended urban renewal area #3 (a/k/a cyprus climax TIF district) redevelopment project.
An ordinance vacating the entire 7th Street right-of-way area between “C Alley” and Avenue C.
An ordinance vacating an alley right-of-way in the original town of Fort Madison.
An ordinance amending Title 10, “Zoning”, of the municipal code by changing the zoning classification of part of the south half of the northeast quarter, and part of the north half of the southeast quarter, all in Section 1, Township 67 North, Range 5 West, consisting of approximately 43 acres, all within the city (4900 through 5200 blocks of Bluff Road) from R-1 One-Family Dwelling District to R-6 Multi-Family Dwelling District.
An ordinance providing that general property taxes levied and collected each year on all property located within the urban renewal area #12 (a/k/a River Bend subdivision TIF district) project area, in the city, by and for the benefit of the state of Iowa, city of Fort Madison, county of Lee, Fort Madison Community School District and other taxing districts, be paid to a special fund for payment of principal and interest on loans, monies advanced to and indebtedness, including bonds issued or to be issued, incurred by the city in connection with the urban renewal redevelopment project. (Repealed by Ord. D- 96)
An ordinance granting a franchise to MidAmerican Energy Company within the city.
An ordinance amending Title 10, “Zoning”, of the municipal code by changing the zoning classification of Lots 11-18 of Block 8 in Oakland Addition to the city, all within the city (known as 1214 40th Street) from R-6 Multiple-Family Dwelling District to B-2 Business District, General Retail.
An ordinance amending Title 10, “Zoning”, of the city code by changing the zoning classification of part of Lot 1 in the southeast quarter of Section 1, Township 67 North, Range 5 West of the fifth principal meridian city (known as 901 48th Street), from R-1 Single-Family Dwelling District to R-6 Multiple-Family Dwelling District.
An ordinance amending Ord. C-236, C-293 and C-367; providing that, general property taxes levied and collected each year on all property located within the Fort Madison Urban Renewal Area #13 (which area is comprised by the consolidation of Fort Madison Urban Renewal Area #4, 5 and 6, Fort Madison Urban Renewal Area #8 and Fort Madison Urban Renewal Area #10, together with certain newly added property) of the city, by and for the benefit of the State of Iowa, City of Fort Madison, County of Lee, Fort Madison Community School District, and other taxing districts, be paid to a special fund for payment of principal and interest on loans, monies advanced to and indebtedness, including bonds issued or to be issued, incurred by the city in connection with the amended Fort Madison urban renewal redevelopment project.
An ordinance vacating rights- of-way in Tschoepe and Albrights Heights subdivision to the city.
An ordinance amending Ord. C-208, C-442 and C-443; providing that, general property taxes levied and collected each year on all property located within the amended Urban Renewal Area #3 (a/k/a Cyprus Climax TIF District) of the city, by and for the benefit of the State of Iowa, City of Fort Madison, County of Lee, Fort Madison Community School District, and other taxing districts, be paid to a special fund for payment of principal and interest on loans, monies advanced to and indebtedness, including bonds issued or to be issued, incurred by said city in connection with the amended Urban Renewal Area #3 (a/k/a Cyprus Climax TIF District) redevelopment project.
An ordinance amending Title 10, “Zoning”, of the municipal code by changing the zoning classification of property described in exhibit “A” all within the city from R-1 One-Family Dwelling District to I-2 General Industrial District.
An ordinance amending Title 10, “Zoning”, of the municipal code by changing the zoning classification of property described in exhibit “A” all contingent upon said land being officially annexed into the city from R-1 One- Family Dwelling District to I-2 General Industrial District.
An ordinance amending Ord. C-427, providing that general property taxes levied and collected each year on all property located within the amended Burlington Hill urban renewal area of the city, by and for the benefit of the State of Iowa, City of Fort Madison, County of Lee, Fort Madison Community School District, and other taxing districts, be paid to a special fund for payment of principal and interest on loans, monies advanced to and indebtedness, including bonds issued or to be issued, incurred by the city in connection with the amended Burlington Hill Urban Renewal Redevelopment Project.
An ordinance amending Title 10, “Zoning”, of the municipal code by changing the zoning classification of property described in exhibit “A” from R-6 Multiple- Family Dwelling District to B-2 Business District, General Retail.
An ordinance providing that the targeted jobs withholding credit collected each year in connection with certain property located within the Urban Renewal Area #3 (also known as Cyprus Climax TIF District Area) of the city, be paid into a designated account in the special fund previously established by Ord. C-208, C-442, C-443 and C-463.
An ordinance providing that the targeted jobs withholding credit collected each year in connection with certain property located within the Urban Renewal Area #13 of the city, be paid into a designated account in the special fund previously established by Ord. C-461.
An ordinance providing that the targeted jobs withholding credit collected each year in connection with certain property located within the Burlington Hill Urban Renewal Area #11 of the city, be paid into a designated account in the special fund previously established by Ord. C-427 and C-468.
An ordinance amending Ord. C-452; providing that, general property taxes levied and collected each year on all property located within the amended Urban Renewal Area #12 (a/k/a River Bend subdivision TIF District) in the city, by and for the benefit of the State of Iowa, City of Fort Madison, County of Lee, Fort Madison Community School District, and other taxing districts, be paid to a special fund for payment of principal and interest on loans, monies advanced to and indebtedness, including bonds issued or to be issued, incurred by the city in connection with the amended Urban Renewal Area #12 (a/k/a River Bend subdivision TIF District) redevelopment project.
An ordinance vacating a portion of 16th Street right- of-way in the original town of Fort Madison.
An ordinance amending Title 10, “Zoning”, of the municipal code by changing the zoning classification of property described in exhibit “A” from I-1 Limited Industrial District to I-2 General Industrial District.
An ordinance amending Title 10, “Zoning”, of the municipal code by changing the zoning classification of property described in exhibit “A” from R-4 Single-Family Dwelling District to B-2 Business District, General Retail.
An ordinance amending Title 10, “Zoning”, of the municipal code by changing the zoning classification of property described in exhibit “A” from R-4 Single-Family Dwelling District to B-2 Business District, General Retail.
An ordinance amending Title 10, “Zoning”, of the municipal code by changing the zoning classification of property described in exhibit “A” from R-1 Single-Family Dwelling District to R-4 Single-Family Dwelling District.
An ordinance amending Title 10, “Zoning”, of the municipal code by changing the zoning classification of property described in exhibit “A” from B-4 Highway Business District to R-6 Multi-Family Dwelling District.
An ordinance amending Ord. C-461, providing that general property taxes levied and collected each year on all property located within the amended Fort Madison Urban Renewal Area #13, in the city, by and for the benefit of the State of Iowa, City of Fort Madison, County of Lee, Fort Madison Community School District, and other taxing districts, be paid to a special fund for payment of principal and interest on loans, monies advanced to and indebtedness, including bonds issued or to be issued, incurred by the city in connection with the amended Fort Madison Urban Renewal Area #13 redevelopment project.
An ordinance providing that general property taxes levied and collected each year on all property located within the Fort Madison Urban Renewal Area #14 (the Bluffs), in the city, by and for the benefit of the State of Iowa, City of Fort Madison, County of Lee, Fort Madison Community School District and other taxing districts, be paid to a special fund for payment of principal and interest on loans, monies advanced to and indebtedness, including bonds issued or to be issued, incurred by the city in connection with the Fort Madison Urban Renewal Area #14 (the Bluffs) redevelopment project.
An ordinance amending Title 10, “Zoning”, of the municipal code by changing the zoning classification of property described in exhibit “A” from R-4 Single-Family Dwelling District to B-2 Business District, General Retail.
An ordinance vacating a portion of 16th Street right- of-way in the original town of Fort Madison.
An ordinance amending Title 10, “Zoning”, of the municipal code by changing the zoning classification of property described in exhibit “A” from R-4 Single-Family Dwelling District to B-2 Business District, General Retail.
An ordinance providing that general property taxes levied and collected each year on all property located within the Downtown Urban Renewal Area in the city, by and for the benefit of the State of Iowa, City of Fort Madison, County of Lee, Fort Madison Community School District, Southeastern Community College and other taxing districts, be paid to a special fund for payment of principal and interest on loans, monies advanced to and indebtedness, including bonds issued or to be issued, incurred by the city in connection with the Downtown Urban Renewal Area.
An ordinance amending Title 10, “Zoning”, of the municipal code by changing the zoning classification of property described in exhibit “A” from R-6 Multi-Family Dwelling District to B-2 Business District, General Retail.
An ordinance vacating the alley right-of-way between 1st and 2nd Streets and between Avenues F and G in the original town of Fort Madison.
An ordinance entitled RAGBRAI ordinance - miscellaneous permits.
An ordinance amending Title 10, “Zoning”, of the municipal code by changing the zoning classification of property described in exhibit “A” from R-4 Single-Family Dwelling District to R-6 Multi-Family Dwelling District.
An ordinance providing that general property taxes levied and collected each year on all property located within the Innsbrook Residential Urban Renewal Area, in the city, by and for the benefit of the State of Iowa, City of Fort Madison, County of Lee, Fort Madison Community School District and other taxing districts, be paid to a special fund for payment of principal and interest on loans, monies advanced to and indebtedness, including bonds issued or to be issued, incurred by the city in connection with the Innsbrook Residential Urban Renewal Area (Project #1 area of the Innsbrook Residential Urban Renewal Plan).
An ordinance amending Title 10, “Zoning”, of the municipal code by changing the zoning classification of property from R-6, Multi- Family Dwelling District to B-3, Service and Wholesale District.
An ordinance granting a franchise to ITC Midwest LLC within the city.
An ordinance vacating a portion of property formerly known as the city’s water treatment plant (near east limits).
An ordinance amending Title 10, “Zoning”, of the municipal code by changing the zoning classification of property from R-4, Single- Family Dwelling District to B-4, Highway Business District.
An ordinance providing that general property taxes levied and collected each year on all property located within the business U.S. Highway 61 Corridor Urban Renewal Area, in the city, by and for the benefit of the State of Iowa, City of Fort Madison, County of Lee, Fort Madison Community School District and other taxing districts, be paid to a special fund for payment of principal and interest on loans, monies advanced to and indebtedness, including bonds issued or to be issued, incurred by the city in connection with the business U.S. Highway 61 Corridor Urban Renewal Area (the business U.S. Highway 61 Corridor Urban Renewal Plan).
An ordinance amending Title 10, “Zoning”, of the municipal code by changing the zoning classification of property from R-1, Single- Family Dwelling District to I-1, Limited Industrial District.
An ordinance vacating 15th Place and 16th, 17th and 19th Streets south of Avenue P.
An ordinance vacating a portion of the right-of-way in the 3500 block of Avenue L.
An ordinance amending Title 10, “Zoning”, of the municipal code by changing the zoning classification of property from R-4 Single- Family Dwelling District to B-3, Service and Wholesale District.
An ordinance granting to Interstate Power and Light Company a non-exclusive electric franchise for a period of 15 years.
An ordinance granting to MidAmerican Energy Company a non-exclusive natural gas franchise for a period of 20 years. (Repealed by Ord. D-111)
An ordinance amending Title 10, “Zoning”, of the municipal code by changing the zoning classification of property from R-1 Single- Family Dwelling District to I-2, General Industrial.
An ordinance vacating the platted Avenue C West of Vica Lane.
An ordinance amending Title 10, “Zoning”, of the municipal code by changing the zoning classification of property from R-4, Single- Family Dwelling District to B-4, Highway Business District.
An ordinance to adopt the code of ordinances of the City of Fort Madison, Iowa, 2021, also known as “city code”.
An ordinance amending Title 10, “Zoning”, of the municipal code by changing the zoning classification of property from R-4, Single- Family Dwelling District to R-6, Multi-Family Dwelling District.
An ordinance amending Title 10, “Zoning”, of the municipal code by changing the zoning classification of property from R-4, Single- Family Dwelling District to I-1, Limited Industrial District.
An ordinance vacating a portion of the right-of-way located between Avenue B and 117 – 16th Street.
An ordinance repealing Ord. C-427, regarding the division of taxes levied on taxable property in the Burlington Hill Urban Renewal Area, pursuant to Iowa Code § 403.19.
An ordinance repealing Ord. C-310, regarding the division of taxes levied on taxable property in the Urban Renewal Area No. 9, pursuant to Iowa Code § 403.19.
An ordinance repealing Ord. C-452, regarding the division of taxes levied on taxable property in the Urban Renewal Area No. 12, pursuant to Iowa Code § 403.19.
An ordinance repealing Ord. C-251, regarding the division of taxes levied on taxable property in the Urban Renewal Area No. 7, pursuant to Iowa Code § 403.19.
An ordinance amending title 10 "zoning" of the Fort Madison municipal code by changing the zoning classification of property from R-1 Single Family Dwelling District, and B-2, General Retail Business District, to B-3, Service and Wholesale Business District.
An ordinance repealing ordinance D-070, and amending a natural gas franchise granted to MidAmerican Energy Company.
An ordinance amending title 10, chapter 25 of the Fort Madison municipal code regarding floodplain management.