All water service lines shall include a water meter pit and curb stop located in the city right-of-way. No union shall be permitted on copper services three- fourths inch to one inch in diameter between the corporation stop and the curb stop when the distance is less than 60 feet. The city owns all water meter pits, water meters and apparatus that are located in the right-of-way unless it is deemed that this is a private water line.
   (A)   Curb stop/valve standard. All water service lines shall include a curb stop or valve between the water main and the property line as follows: a main shutoff on the water supply line for each customer shall be provided on public property, or another location approved by the city, in front of the premises to be served.
   (B)   Valves, valve boxes, castings and precast manholes. Any valves, roadway boxes, castings and precast concrete manhole vaults must meet SUDAS specifications or the city waterworks.
   (C)   Setting of valves, valve boxes, castings and precast concrete manholes. Curb stop boxes, roadway boxes and precast concrete manhole vaults shall be installed so that they will function properly and so that an access to the shutoff device is maintained. All shall be set vertically so the top is flush with the surrounding surface and not be a hazard to the public.
(Ord. D-20, passed 10-21-2014)