Where a water service has been turned off at the stop box, water main or tagged at the meter control valve for any reason, and is subsequently found turned on without proper authority, the city shall discontinue the water service. The water service shall not be reactivated until payment is made for the expense of disconnecting such water service and all delinquent bills. Each day, the unauthorized use of unmetered water continues shall constitute a separate municipal infraction. The discovery of piping bypassing the meter or tampering with the meter that would allow unauthorized water to be used on the premises of a customer is in violation of Iowa Code § 714.4. The following charges will be made against the customer in such cases:
   (A)   Cost for removal of piping and all other incidental costs;
   (B)   An estimated bill for water consumption as determined by the city; and
   (C)   A penalty as established by the city. In addition to the above charges, the Code of Iowa provides for the punishment for each offense by a fine or by imprisonment in the county jail or by both fine and imprisonment.
(Ord. D-20, passed 10-21-2014)