General Provisions
161.001 Title
161.002 Purpose
161.003 Jurisdiction
161.004 Scope
161.005 Effect of existing building permits and zoning certificates
161.006 Definitions
161.007 Interpretations and exceptions
Application and Approval Procedures
161.020 Intent
161.021 Application and review fee
161.022 Concept plan
161.023 Procedure for preliminary plat approval and project phasing
161.024 Procedure for final plat approval
161.025 Procedure for site plan approval
Construction, Inspection and Utility Acceptance Procedure
161.040 General considerations
161.041 Pre-construction meeting
161.042 Insurance certificates
161.043 Notification
161.044 Periodic progress meetings
161.045 Inspection, compliance and correction notice procedures
161.046 Oversizing and recapture of municipal utilities
161.047 Term for completion of public improvements
161.048 Performance guarantee
161.049 Performance guarantee reduction
161.050 Inspection and construction review
161.051 Protection of existing improvements
161.052 Maintenance of public improvements prior to village acceptance
161.053 Transmittal of notice of acceptance
161.054 Maintenance guarantee
161.055 Record drawings
Building and Occupancy Permits
161.065 Prerequisite for issuance of building permits
161.066 Issuance of occupancy permits
Project Documents
161.080 Intent
161.081 Applicability
161.082 Document specifications and standards
161.083 Concept plan documents
161.084 Preliminary plat, plan and supporting documents
161.085 Final plat, plans and supporting documents
161.086 Site plans
Required Improvements and Design Standards
161.100 Required improvements
161.101 Conformance to applicable rules and regulations
161.102 Minimum standards and specifications
161.103 Oversized design
161.104 Offsite improvements/existing infrastructure modifications
161.105 Preservation of natural features
161.106 Boundary, lot and right-of-way line monumentation
161.107 Block standards
161.108 Lot standards
161.109 Easements
161.110 Site drainage
161.111 Private utilities
161.112 Site plan requirements
161.999 Penalty
Appendix A: Certificate of plats
Appendix B: Parking dimensions
(A) To promote the public health, safety and general welfare; to conserve, protect and enhance property values; to preserve the natural beauty and topography of the village and surrounding areas; to secure the most efficient use of land, and to facilitate the adequate development of public improvements;
(B) To provide for orderly growth and development; to afford adequate facilities for the safe and efficient movement of traffic, to safeguard against flood damage, and to guide and time the sequence of future growth and development in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan and in accordance with the financial ability of the village to provide essential offsite public services and capital improvements;
(C) To prescribe rules and regulations governing the subdivision and platting of land, the preparation of plats, the location, width and course of streets and highways, and the installation of utilities, street pavements and other essential improvements; and
(D) To establish procedures for the submission, consideration, approval and recording of plats, improvement plans, site plans and to provide the means for enforcement and nature of penalties for violation.
(Ord. 808, passed 4-19-2006)