   156.01   Authority
   156.02   Short title
   156.03   Purpose and intent
   156.04   Definitions
   156.05   Special use permit
   156.06   General provisions; area affected
   156.07   Watercourse relocation and minor modifications (including channelization and relocation)
   156.08   Impact assessment
   156.09   Stream maintenance easement
   156.10   Nonconforming uses
   156.11   Board of Appeals
   156.12   Bonds
   156.13   Liability
   156.14   Retroactivity
   156.15   Enforcement
   156.99   Penalty
§ 156.01 AUTHORITY.
   The Lowland Conservancy Overlay District is adopted by the village under the authority of the village’s Home Rule Powers as set forth in Article VII, Section 6, of the 1970 Illinois Constitution.
(Ord. 570, passed 12-7-1988)
§ 156.02 SHORT TITLE.
   This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Village of Elwood Stream and Wetland Protection Ordinance.”
(Ord. 570, passed 12-7-1988)
   (A)   It is the purpose and intent of this chapter to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the present and future residents of the village and downstream drainage areas by providing for the protection, preservation, proper maintenance and use of village watercourses, lakes, ponds, floodplain and wetland areas.
   (B)   The chapter is more specifically adopted:
      (1)   To prevent flood damage by preserving storm and flood water storage capacity;
      (2)   To maintain the normal hydrologic balance of streams, floodplains, ponds, lakes, wetlands and groundwater by storing and providing for infiltration of wet-period runoff in floodplains and wetlands, and releasing it slowly to the stream to maintain in-stream flow;
      (3)   To manage storm water runoff and maintain natural runoff conveyance systems, and minimize the need for major storm sewer construction and drainageway modification;
      (4)   To improve water quality, both by filtering and storing sediments and attached pollutants, nutrients and organic compounds before they drain into streams or wetlands, and by maintaining the natural pollutant-assimilating capabilities of streams, floodplains and wetlands;
      (5)   To protect shorelines and stream banks from soil erosion, using natural means and materials wherever possible;
      (6)   To protect fish spawning, breeding, nursery and feeding grounds;
      (7)   To protect wildlife habitat;
      (8)   To preserve areas of special recreational, scenic or scientific interest, including natural areas and habitats of endangered species;
      (9)   To maintain and enhance the aesthetic qualities of developing areas; and
      (10)   To encourage the continued economic growth and high quality of life of the village which depends in part on an adequate quality of water, a pleasing natural environment and recreational opportunities in proximity to the village.
   (C)   In order to achieve the purpose and intent of this chapter, the village hereby designates the Lowland Conservancy Overlay District which shall be considered as an overlay to the zoning districts created by village zoning ordinances as amended. (See § 156.01).
   (D)   Any proposed development activity within the district must obtain a special use permit as approved by the governing body of the village. (See § 156.05).
(Ord. 570, passed 12-7-1988)