(A)   Permanent monuments shall be placed at the corners or changes in bearing of the exterior boundary; at the points of curvature or points of tangency of streets; at a minimum of two points, preferably along the rear lot line, of all blocks; and at such other points as shall be required to enable ready establishment of lines within the subdivision; and as provided by ILCS Ch. 765, Act 205.
   (B)   Permanent monuments shall consist of concrete having a six-inch minimum diameter with one number four vertical bar in its center, and be at least 36 inches in length. Monuments shall be set flush with adjacent ground.
   (C)   Iron pipe markers not less than three-quarters-inch in diameter and 24 inches in length shall be set at all lot corners and all other required points not marked by permanent monuments. The iron pipes shall be set flush with the finished ground elevation.
   (D)   After construction of all improvements and before final acceptance by the village, the subdivider shall replace or verify the existence of all monuments and markers.
(Ord. 808, passed 4-19-2006)