(A) Purpose and objective. The purpose of conceptual documentation is to identify the proposed project location, ownership or authority to develop, type and scope of the project, and any potential problems with construction in the area of the project. This information will determine the proposed project feasibility. The applicant shall submit a completed land use application in connection with its request for concept plan review.
(B) Required documents and information. Twenty copies of the following shall be submitted to the Village Administrator at least 30 working days preceding the day of the Plan Commission meeting:
(1) Evidence of ownership. The applicant shall provide evidence of ownership or evidence of approval of the owner to develop the proposed project site. If the ownership is in a trust, the applicant shall provide the name of the trustee(s), the name of the trust beneficiary(ies) and the trust number. The applicant must also state the interest the applicant has in the property;
(2) Location map. The applicant shall provide a map showing the location of the proposed project site as well as nearby transportation routes and other significant features. The location map shall include a north arrow, title, scale and date;
(3) Site plan. The applicant shall provide drawings or sketches showing the proposed layout of streets, lots and site improvements in relation to the existing features, showing the following:
(a) Boundary lines of the site with dimensions;
(b) Proposed lots, building setback lines, building locations and separations, and pedestrian considerations, with the approximate size of each lot shown in square feet and in acres;
(c) Proposed street layout, off-street parking, loading spaces, fire lanes and exterior street improvements such as turning lanes;
(d) Proposed open spaces, school sites, park sites and private recreation facilities;
(e) Proposed drainage and storm water detention/retention locations;
(f) Alternate designs or layouts with sufficient detail to make the alternatives understandable; and
(g) Existing and proposed zoning districts within and immediately adjacent to the proposed site.
(4) Land use schedule. The following information shall be provided on the plan maps or other documents submitted:
(a) Total acreage of site;
(b) Proposed land use by acreage and percent of total;
(c) Proposed gross, net residential density for residential portions of the proposed project; and
(d) Proposed floor area ratio and land coverage expressed in percent for nonresidential portions of the proposed project.
(Ord. 808, passed 4-19-2006)