141.01   Establishment; Employees
141.02   Powers and Duties of Director
141.03   Acceptance of Gifts
141.04   Establishment of Special Accounts
141.05   Expenditure of Donated Funds
141.06   Treatment of Indigent Alcoholics, Drug Addicts – Repealed
141.07   Division of Correction; Duties of Commissioner – Repealed
141.071   Reimbursement for Confinement Costs – Repealed
141.072   Inmate Labor – Repealed
141.08   Contracts with Governments for Care of Persons at Institutions – Repealed
141.081   Home Detention Program; Contract Authority – Repealed
141.09   Uniforms for Institutional Guards and Matrons – Repealed
141.091   Uniform Maintenance Allowances – Repealed
141.10   Division of Health
141.11   Duties of Commissioner of Health
141.12   Subdivision of Communicable Diseases
141.13   Controller of Tuberculosis
141.14   Controller of Chronic Illness
141.15   Bureau of Public Health Education
141.16   Subdivision of Child Hygiene
141.17   Coordinator of Venereal Diseases
141.18   Bureau of Vital Statistics
141.19   Division of Environment
141.20   Bureau of Environmental Health
141.21   Voluntary Food Safety Training Courses
141.22   Division of Air Quality
141.23   Duties of the Commissioner of Air Quality
141.24   Division of Health Equity and Social Justice
141.25   Duties of the Commissioner of Health Equity and Social Justice
141.26   Charges for Services
141.27   Payment of Clothing Allowance – Repealed
141.28   Correctional Officer Training – Repealed
141.29 to 141.36   Reserved
141.37   Employment of Consultants
141.38   Contracts with the State of Ohio to Receive Reimbursement under the Medicaid Administrative Claiming (MAC) Program for the Department of Public Health
141.39   Employment of Licensed Medical Professionals
   Note: The legislative history of this chapter, except where specifically noted at the end of a section, is as follows: Ordinance No. 63410-A, passed September 22, 1924.
Charter reference:
   General provisions for public health, Charter § 114
   Contents, purpose and implementation of neighborhood conservation plan, CO Ch. 323
   Housing Clinic’s function, CO 137.13 et seq.
Statutory reference:
   Air pollution, RC Ch. 3704
   Inspection of food, RC 3707.38 et seq.
   Quarantine and communicable diseases, RC 3707.04 et seq.