133.01   Establishment of the Department of Parks and Recreation
133.02   Duties of the Director of Parks and Recreation
133.03   Office of Administration
133.04   Duties of the Manager of Administration
133.05   Office of Special Events and Marketing
133.06   Duties of the Manager of Special Events and Marketing
133.07   Special Event Permits
133.08   Special Event Concession Agreement and Charges
133.081   Rental Fees for City Hall Rotunda
133.09   Exempted Special Events
133.10   Purchase of Food and Beverages for the Public Who Are Attending Activities or Events Sponsored by the Division of Recreation
133.11   Division of Urban Forestry
133.12   Duties of the Commissioner of Urban Forestry
133.13   Reserved
133.14   Division of Public Auditorium
133.141   Duties of the Commissioner of Public Auditorium
133.15   Concession Agreements for Rental of the Public Auditorium Building
133.16   Reserved
133.17   Moneys from Operation of Public Auditorium Building and Cleveland Browns Stadium
133.18   Accounting for Cleveland Browns Stadium
133.19   Withdrawal of Funds by the Director of Parks and Recreation
133.20   Accrued Interest from Public Auditorium Building and Stadium Funds
133.21   Rental of Market Stalls
133.22   Manager of West Side Market
133.23   Property Adoption and Licensing
133.24   Deposits for Use of Property
133.25 to 133.28   Reserved
133.29   Division of Recreation
133.30   Duties of the Commissioner of Recreation
133.31   Highland Park Golf Course and Banquet Room Rates
133.32   Rental Fees for Camp George Forbes
133.33   Rental of Halloran Skating Rink
133.34   Rental Fees for Recreation Center Use
133.35   Rental of Athletic Complexes; Fee
133.36   Reserved
133.37   Rental of League Park Baseball Field and League Park Visitors Center; Fee
133.38   Purchase of City-Related Merchandise, Souvenirs, Food, and Beverages for Resale at City Parks, Recreational Facilities, and the West Side Market
133.39   Division of Park Maintenance
133.40   Duties of the Commissioner of Park Maintenance
133.41   Greenhouse, Rockefeller Park and Cultural Gardens; Fees
133.42   Cemetery Rates
133.43   Licensing Advertising Space on Public Recreational Property
133.44   Acceptance of Gifts
133.45   Agreements for the Loan of Statues, Busts, or other Personal Property for Public Display
133.46   Tree Commission Grants and Contributions
   Note: Former Chapter 133, Department of Parks, Recreation and Properties, was repealed by Ord. No. 1330-A-10. Passed 12-6-10, eff. 12-6-10.
   City Hall office space allotments, CO 111.01
Statutory reference:
   Assessments for tree planting or maintenance, RC 727.011
   Bonds for recreational facilities, RC 755.17
   Cemeteries, RC Ch. 759
   Land appropriation for parks, RC 715.21, 719.01
   Parks; Recreation, RC Ch. 755
   Playgrounds, RC 755.12 et seq.
   Power to construct recreation centers, RC 717.01
   Power to regulate shade trees and shrubbery, RC 715.20
   Power to regulate vehicle speed in parks, RC 4511.07
   Power to regulate weights and measures, RC 715.45
   Weights and measures, RC Ch. 1327
§ 133.01 Establishment of the Department of Parks and Recreation
   There is established a Department of Parks and Recreation to be controlled and administered by a Director of Parks and Recreation, subject to the provisions of the Charter and ordinances of the City, and to the direction of the Mayor. The Director may appoint and employ Assistant Directors, a secretary who may be in the unclassified service, and such other officers and employees as maybe necessary for the operation of his or her office and the several divisions and activities comprising the Department, except officers and employees appointed by commissioners of the several divisions in accordance with the provisions of Charter Section 79.
(Ord. No. 521-2024. Passed 7-10-24, eff. 7-16-24) (BOC Res. No. 377-24. Adopted 8-7-24)