The Director of Public Health shall have charge of and general supervision and control over divisions and bureaus established in the Department of Public Health. The Director shall have the power to authorize, approve and accept the rendition of voluntary services to the benefit of and without cost to the City and its citizens by medical and paramedical and other volunteer personnel. He or she shall have additional duties as may be required by ordinance.
(Ord. No. 1871-06, § 3. Passed 12-11-06, eff. 12-15-06) (BOC Res. No. 184-07. Adopted 4-18-07)
(a) Funds so accepted shall be placed to the credit of the particular institution in Fund 126 in an account to be designated, if the fund is limited in purpose by the conditions of the gift, as “_______________ limited purpose account”; otherwise in an account to be designated “_______________ unconditioned expenditure account”.
(b) The funds deposited to the credit of the foregoing accounts are hereby determined not to constitute public funds subject to the provisions of law relating to the budget, but funds to be expended for the benefit of the named institution at the discretion of the Director of Public Health and Welfare, or in the manner and for the specific purpose named in the gift.
(Ord. No. 2640-55. Passed 12-12-55, eff. 12-15-55)
Expenditures from accounts shall be made on vouchers signed by the appropriate commissioner and the Director of Public Health when the amount is less than ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00); otherwise the expenditure shall first be authorized by ordinance of Council in the manner provided in Charter Section 108. No part of any funds so credited to the accounts shall be paid to or for the benefit of any officer of employee, either as additional compensation or as reimbursement for expenses incurred, or paid for purposes other than those directly benefitting the divisions or in any manner other than that applicable to the expenditure of other public funds, unless the payment is specifically provided for in the terms of the gift or authorized by resolution or ordinance of Council.
(Ord. No. 1871-06, § 3. Passed 12-11-06, eff. 12-15-06)