§ 141.17 Coordinator of Venereal Diseases
   There is hereby created, in the Division of Health, Subdivision of Communicable Diseases, the position of Coordinator of Venereal Diseases, the incumbent of which shall be a person trained in public health procedure and in the control of venereal disease.
(Ord. No. 589-40. Passed 4-15-40)
§ 141.18 Bureau of Vital Statistics
   There is hereby established in the Division of Health a Bureau of Vital Statistics, to be administered and controlled by a Chief, subject to the supervision and direction of the Commissioner of Health. The function of the Bureau shall be to administer the ordinances of the City and the laws of the State on the registration of births and deaths within the City.
§ 141.19 Division of Environment
   (a)   There is hereby established in the Department of Public Health a Division of Environment, to be administered and controlled by a Commissioner of Environment, subject to the provisions of the Charter and ordinances of the City, and to the supervision and direction of the Director of Public Health.
(Ord. No. 2996-90. Passed 4-8-91, eff. 4-15-91)
   Note: Section 141.19 became effective July 31, 1991, upon adoption of Board of Control Res. No. 633-91. Pursuant to Section 4 of Ord. No. 2996-90, any references in the Codified Ordinances to the Division of Environmental Health or Division of Air Pollution Control, Commissioner of Environmental Health or Commissioner of Air Pollution Control, shall be amended to read Division of Environment and Commissioner of Environment, respectively.
§ 141.20 Bureau of Environmental Health
   (a)   There is hereby established in the Division of Environment a Bureau of Environmental Health, to be administered and controlled by a Chief, subject to the provisions of the Charter and ordinances of the City, and to the supervision and direction of the Commissioner of Environment.
   (b)   Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 141.11 and 201.01 of the Codified Ordinances of Cleveland, Ohio, 1976, the Chief shall administer and enforce provisions of state and local law, ordinances and regulations relating to environmental health, including but not limited to the sanitation of neighborhoods, places of business, schools and places of recreation, such as those sections of the Health Code which relate to the inspection of food and milk, insect and rodent control, lead poisoning and exposure control, swimming pool inspection, the approval of various license applications as imposed by the Code, and the investigation of environmental health nuisances and complaints. The Chief shall keep such records as may be necessary or useful to the efficient management of the Bureau.
(Ord. No. 2996-90. Passed 4-8-91, eff. 4-15-91)
   Note: Section 141.20 became effective July 31, 1991, upon adoption of Board of Control Res. No. 633-91.
§ 141.21 Voluntary Food Safety Training Courses
   (a)   The Director of Public Health is authorized to conduct voluntary food safety training courses in order to certify participants as being adequately trained in food safety throughout the year and to fix and collect fees from participants for such purposes.
   (b)   The Director of Public Health is authorized to make purchases and enter into one (1) or more agreements under the Charter and relevant Codified Ordinances for course materials, supplies, and refreshments, and if necessary, rental of sites for the courses.
   (c)   The Director of Public Health shall deposit fees collected from participants in the courses into the Food Fund. The fees collected and placed in the Food Fund are appropriated for the purposes stated in this section. All expenditures made under this section shall be paid from the Food Fund and from other funds appropriated for use of the Department of Public Health.
(Ord. No. 498-03. Passed 4-14-03, eff. 4-16-03)
§ 141.22 Division of Air Quality
   There is hereby established in the Department of Public Health, a Division of Air Quality to be administered and controlled by the Commissioner of Air Quality, subject to the provisions of the Charter and the ordinances of the City, and to the direction of the Director of Public Health.
(Ord. No. 1531-02. Passed 10-14-02, eff. 10-17-02) (BOC Res. No. 68-03. Adopted 2-5-03)