139.01 Duties of Director of Port Control
139.02 Airport Property Damage and Earnings Insurance
139.03 Comprehensive General Airport Liability Insurance
139.04 Division of Airports
139.041 Duties of Commissioner of Cleveland Hopkins International Airport – Repealed
139.05 Duties of the Commissioner of Airports
139.051 Duties of Commissioner of Burke Lakefront Airport – Repealed
139.06 Division of Harbor
139.07 Duties of Commissioner of Harbor
139.08 Refreshments for Promotional Activities
139.09 Crash-Fire-Rescue Ambulance Charges
139.10 Clothing Maintenance Allowance Payment
139.11 Airport Flight Guide; Advertising and Subscription Fees
139.12 Safety of Airfield Premises
139.13 Donating Employee Uniforms
139.14 Expenditures for Professional Memberships
139.15 Navigational Aids and Weather Equipment
139.16 Applying and Accepting Federal and State Grants and Other Funding
139.17 Customer Facility Charge for On-Airport Car Rental Customers
139.18 Loaned United States Government Property
139.19 Electronic Fingerprint-Based Background Checks for Employees, Prospective Employees and Tenants Located at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport
139.20 Department of Port Control Special Police Force
139.21 Acceptance of Art, Cash, Sponsorships, and Other Donations to Enhance the Physical Appearance at the Cleveland Airport System
Statutory reference:
Airports, RC Ch. 4563
Airports, RC Ch. 4563
(a) The Director of Port Control shall supervise and control the Department of Port Control as established by Charter Section 76-8, and the administration and control of the activities in and about the harbor and airplane landing fields of the City.
(b) The Director shall initiate, promote and supervise such means of publicity and promotional activities as will encourage the fullest use of the Municipally owned and operated port facilities of the City for both air and water-borne commerce, in order to place the operation of such facilities on a self- sustaining basis.
(c) The Director shall have authority to solicit proposals and to negotiate for the leasing of any piers or docks of the City with any and all interested parties and, after approval by Council, to enter into leases therefor with the parties deemed to be best able to advance the development of the Port of Cleveland thereby.
(Ord. No. 2817-82. Passed 5-6-83, eff. 5-10-83)
In order to protect the City against financial loss, and to provide a continuity of service at the airports operated by the City, the Director of Finance is hereby authorized to take out property damage, including but not limited to fire, windstorm, tornado and other casualty, and earnings insurance hereinafter specified. The premiums on such policies shall be paid by the City and the property damage insurance limits shall be controlled by current practices, but in any event limited to the replacement value of the physical facilities to be insured. The earnings insurance shall be limited to anticipated annual gross income derived directly or indirectly from the airport terminal facility insured.
(Ord. No. 781-57. Passed 6-17-57, eff. 6-19-57)
The Director of Finance is hereby authorized to take out comprehensive general airport liability insurance covering the Cleveland Hopkins Airport and the Cleveland Lakefront Airport. The premiums on such policies shall be paid by the City.
(Ord. No. 1694-57. Passed 7-16-57, eff. 7-19-57)