The Commissioner of Health shall administer the Health Code and see that all ordinances and rules of the City and all applicable State laws affecting the public health are properly enforced. He or she shall supervise the work of the several bureaus established in the Division of Health. He or she shall apply to physicians in the City, who are licensed by the Ohio State Medical Board to practice medicine and surgery in all its branches, outfits for the collection of material from cases suspected to be diphtheria, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, rabies and such other communicable diseases as he or she may decide, and shall have such material examined and report the result of such examination to the physician submitting such material. He or she shall maintain and supervise a laboratory to assist in the diagnosis of communicable diseases and in fixing the period of quarantine, determine the quality of the food, milk and water supplies of the City and perform such other chemical and bacteriological analyses as are related to the public welfare.
(Ord. No. 921-42. Passed 6-15-42)