The Director of Public Health is hereby authorized to employ by contract, for the purpose of supplementing the regularly employed personnel of the Department of Public Health, such expert medical consultants as may be necessary for the administration of special projects and programs by the Department of Public Health. Contracts may be made without competitive bidding, but shall be entered into only with the person or firm determined by the Board of Control, after inquiry and investigation, to be the best qualified to render such services to the City; and shall be for amounts not to exceed Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00).
(Ord. No. 2416-91. Passed 3-2-92, eff. 3-6-92)
(a) The Director of Public Health is authorized to enter into contracts with the State of Ohio to receive reimbursement of costs for services related to activities that support efforts to identify and enroll eligible clients into Medicaid under the Medicaid Administrative Claiming (MAC) Program.
(b) The Director of Finance is authorized to accept reimbursements from the State of Ohio under the MAC Program and deposit those funds into the general fund to be used to finance the operation of the Department of Public Health.
(Ord. No. 164-13. Passed 3-4-13, eff. 3-5-13)
The Director of Public Health is authorized to contract for professional services of licensed medical professionals as may be necessary for the administration and operation of the Department of Public Health, the clinics and other facilities under the jurisdiction of the Department of Public Health. All such contracts shall require the medical professionals to indemnify the City and provide insurance coverage acceptable to the Director of Public Health and Director of Law.
(Ord. No. 2241-02. Passed 11-25-02, eff. 12-3-02; Reprinted 12-25-02 CR)