323.01   Neighborhood Conservation Plan
323.02   Criteria for Designation as Neighborhood Conservation Area
323.03   Contents of Neighborhood Conservation Plan
323.04   Rehabilitation and Conservation Defined
323.05   Conformity of Neighborhood Conservation Plan to General Plan and Workable Program
323.06   Provision to Prevent Recurrence of Substandard Housing, Building and Sanitary Conditions and Discrimination
323.07   Relocation of Displaced Families
323.08   Adoption of Plan
323.09   Public Hearing Required Before Plan Adopted
323.10   Notice of Hearing
323.11   Contents of Notice
323.12   Filing of Plan with Clerk of Council for Public Inspection
323.13   Contents of Ordinance to Approve Plan
323.14   Approval by Council is Authority for Expenditures
323.15   Amendment Authority of the Department of Community Development
323.16   Amendment Authority of Council
323.17   When Public Hearing and Notice Required
323.18   Administration of Neighborhood Conservation Plan
   Amending community development plan, CO Ch. 319
   Community development plan filed with Clerk of Council for public inspection, CO 317.01
   Determination of slum and blight, CO 313.02
   Evaluation of relocation payments for community development project, CO 321.05
   Project agreement for community development to prevent recurrence of slum and deterioration, CO 321.17
   Public hearing for community development plan; notice, CO 315.02 et seq.
   Rehabilitation and location housing for community development project, CO 321.16
   Workable Program for Community Improvements, CO 311.04
§ 323.01 Neighborhood Conservation Plan
   When the Department of Community Development, as a result of investigation and study, at the request of the Mayor or Council, or upon its own initiative finds that there exists an area of the City which meets the criteria set forth in Section 323.02, it shall prepare with the assistance of the Planning Commission, a plan for that “Neighborhood Conservation Area” which shall be designated “Neighborhood Conservation Plan”.
(Ord. No. 1426-75. Passed 6-23-75, eff. 6-26-75)