137.01 Establishment
137.02 Duties of the Director of Community Development
137.021 Homesteading
137.022 Provision of Services for Fees
137.03 Office of Fair Housing and Consumer Affairs
137.04 Duties of the Manager of Fair Housing and Consumer Affairs
137.05 Reserved
137.06 Reserved
137.07 Division of Neighborhood Services – Repealed
137.08 Duties of Commissioner of Neighborhood Services – Repealed
137.09 Division of Neighborhood Development – Repealed
137.10 Duties of the Commissioner of Neighborhood Development – Repealed
137.11 Division of Administrative Services – Repealed
137.12 Duties of Commissioner of Administrative Services – Repealed
137.13 Housing Clinic
137.14 Function of the Housing Clinic
137.15 Housing Clinic Rules and Regulations
137.16 Demolition Bureau – Repealed
137.161 City Demolition Contracts – Repealed
137.17 Lease Agreements
137.18 Refreshments at Community Meetings and Workshops
Note: Whenever any reference appears in the Codified Ordinances to the “Division of Neighborhood Development” or the “Commissioner of Neighborhood Development”, it is deemed to mean the “Division of Real Estate” and the “Commissioner of Real Estate”. (Ord. No. 1117-06, § 4. Passed 1-28-08)
Advertisement for bids for redevelopment, CO 321.13 et seq.
Authority to amend neighborhood conservation plan, CO 323.15
Commissioner of Relocation and Property Management to deduct delinquent rent from relocation payments, CO 321.06
Community Development Code, CO Ch. 311 et seq.
Community Relations Board, CO Ch. 157
Contents of community development plan, CO 313.03
Contents of neighborhood conservation plan, CO 323.03
Department designated local public agency for elimination of slums and blight, CO 321.01
Director to apply for financial assistance for community development plan, CO 321.02
Division of Relocation and Property Management to provide method for relocation of families displaced by community development, CO 313.07
Evaluation of relocation payments, CO 321.05
Neighborhood conservation area designation, CO 323.02
Purpose of Housing Code, CO Ch. 361 et seq.
Rehabilitation and relocation housing, CO 321.16
Relocation of families displaced by neighborhood conservation plan, CO 323.07
Zoning Code enforced by Division of Building and Housing, CO Ch. 325 et seq.
Advertisement for bids for redevelopment, CO 321.13 et seq.
Authority to amend neighborhood conservation plan, CO 323.15
Commissioner of Relocation and Property Management to deduct delinquent rent from relocation payments, CO 321.06
Community Development Code, CO Ch. 311 et seq.
Community Relations Board, CO Ch. 157
Contents of community development plan, CO 313.03
Contents of neighborhood conservation plan, CO 323.03
Department designated local public agency for elimination of slums and blight, CO 321.01
Director to apply for financial assistance for community development plan, CO 321.02
Division of Relocation and Property Management to provide method for relocation of families displaced by community development, CO 313.07
Evaluation of relocation payments, CO 321.05
Neighborhood conservation area designation, CO 323.02
Purpose of Housing Code, CO Ch. 361 et seq.
Rehabilitation and relocation housing, CO 321.16
Relocation of families displaced by neighborhood conservation plan, CO 323.07
Zoning Code enforced by Division of Building and Housing, CO Ch. 325 et seq.
Statutory reference:
Fair housing, RC Ch. 4112
Fair housing, RC Ch. 4112
Pursuant to the authority of the Charter there is hereby established, a Department of Community Development, to be controlled and administered by a Director of Community Development subject to the provisions of the Charter and these Codified Ordinances, and to the direction of the Mayor.
(Ord. No. 1289-66. Passed 6-20-66, eff. 6-23-66) (BOC Res. No. 1025-66. Adopted 12-14-66)
The Director of Community Development shall administer the Department of Community Development and supervise the work of the several divisions established in the Department; administer the laws and ordinances of the City relating to Community Development; coordinate the functioning of the several divisions of the Department with other departments, divisions and offices of the City, with Federal, State and County offices and agencies; supervise the carrying forward of the development, redevelopment, renewal, rehabilitation and conservation of the City in conformity with the General Plan of the City; manage and supervise all projects undertaken by the City for the redevelopment, renewal, rehabilitation or conservation of slum, blighted, deteriorating or deteriorated areas, including the relocation of occupants displaced by this or other governmental action; make application to the appropriate agencies of the Federal government and other public bodies on behalf of the City, the Local Public Agency, for financial assistance if it is determined that financial assistance is necessary; monitor and enforce the Cleveland Consumer Protection Code and educate consumers and service providers as to their rights and responsibilities under federal, state and local laws; and do and perform such other duties as may from time to time be required of him or her by the Mayor, or by ordinance of Council.
(Ord. No. 1329-10. Passed 12-6-10, eff. 12-6-10)