123.01   Office of Special Audits and Investigations
123.02   Office of Civil Defense
123.03   Office of Capital Projects
123.031   Rental of Site and Purchase of Food, Refreshments, and Mementos
123.04   Employment of Professional Service for Capital Improvement Program
123.05   Mayor’s Report
123.06   Office of Budget and Management
123.061   Rainy Day Reserve Fund; Establishment; Management Principles
123.07   Office of Consumer Affairs – Repealed
123.08   Office of Equal Opportunity
123.09   Office of Urban Analytics and Innovation
Charter reference:
   Appointing power, Charter § 70
   Authority in Council, Charter § 72
   General powers and duties, Charter § 71
   Investigatory powers, Charter § 46
   Removal from office, Charter § 16
   Report of estimate of expenses, Charter § 38
   Salary, Charter § 69
   Term and qualifications, Charter § 68
   Vacancy in office; Acting Mayor, Charter § 73
   Veto powers in Council, Charter § 37
   Bond required, CO 171.15
   Community Relations Board, CO Ch. 157
   Consumers Council Advisory Board, CO Ch. 159
   Salary, CO 173.06
Statutory reference:
   Reports to Council, RC 733.32, 733.41