§ 571.021 Service Providers at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport
   All entities, including Scheduled Airlines that provide services to other Scheduled Airlines, other than those airlines that are signatories, or majority-owned subsidiaries of signatories, to the Agreement and Lease authorized by Ordinance No. 1585-A-76, passed August 16, 1976, or signatories of a lease, lease by way of concession or other agreement that exempts them from such fees, that provide services at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, including, but not limited to services related to ground handling, cargo handling, fueling aircraft, fueling ground equipment, aircraft maintenance, ground vehicle maintenance, interior and exterior aircraft cleaning, catering, deicing, and laboratory services for aircraft, shall pay Cleveland Hopkins International Airport a fee of seven percent (7%) of gross revenues derived from providing those services for the privilege of providing such services at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport.
   The Director may, at any time, increase or decrease the percentage fee authorized herein, subject to prior authorization of Cleveland City Council.
(Ord. No. 744-2000. Passed 10-30-00, eff. 11-7-00)