571.01   Definitions
571.02   Aviation Fuel and Lubricant Rates
571.021   Service Providers at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport
571.03   Violation of Rules and Regulations
571.04   Removal of Property
571.05   Payment of Fees and Charges
571.06   Restricted Areas
571.061   Identification Badges
571.062   Fingerprinting
571.07   Soliciting of Funds
571.08   Advertisements
571.09   Photography
571.10   Property Damage
571.11   Accidents; Reports
571.12   Animals
571.13   Vehicles for Hire
571.131   Transportation Network Services; Fees
571.132   Peer-to-Peer Vehicle Sharing at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport; Fee
571.14   Lost Articles
571.15   Commercial Activities
571.16   Sanitation
571.17   Use of Roads and Walks
571.18   Disorderly Conduct
571.19   Gambling
571.20   Firearms and Explosives
571.21   Smoking near Flammables
571.22   Tampering with Equipment
571.23   Airport Liability
571.24   Traffic Rules
571.25   Operating Vehicle or Equipment when Intoxicated
571.26   Careless Vehicle Operation
571.27   Dangerous Vehicles
571.28   Speed Limits
571.29   Vehicle, Equipment Operation in Restricted Areas
571.30   Passenger Loading Gate Area
571.31   Speed Limits in Restricted Areas
571.32   Obstructions in Gate Area
571.33   Mobile Vehicles or Equipment in Loading Area
571.34   Obstruction to Emergency Equipment
571.35   Vehicle Operator’s License
571.36   Speed Limit in Passenger Gate Area
571.37   Parking Areas
571.38   Parking Time Limits
571.39   Vehicle Lights
571.40   Abandoned Vehicles
571.41   Traffic Signs
571.42   Pedestrian’s Right-of-way
571.43   Loading Area Use
571.44   General Aeronautical Rules
571.45   Taxi and Traffic Patterns
571.46   Brakes and Radio Receivers
571.47   Practice Area
571.48   Blocking Aircraft Prior to Engine Runup
571.49   Operator’s Certificate
571.50   Tail Skids
571.51   Acrobatics
571.52   Practice Night Landings
571.53   Careless Operation
571.54   Aircraft Parked on Taxiway
571.55   Time Limits in Gate Area
571.56   Single Engine Aircraft in Gate Area
571.57   Unsafe Areas
571.58   Registration and Use Charges for Transient Aircraft
571.59   Improperly Parked Aircraft
571.60   Aircraft Parking in Designated Areas
571.61   Aircraft Parked at Night
571.62   Control Tower Clearance
571.63   Removal of Disabled Aircraft
571.64   Visual Traffic Signals
571.65   Ground Instructions
571.66   Engine Warmup
571.67   Radio Contact
571.68   Simulated Emergencies
571.69   Restricted Aircraft
571.70   Cleaning of Aircraft
571.71   Open Flame Operation
571.72   Fire Hazards
571.73   Storage of Flammable Materials
571.74   Lubricating Oils
571.75   Waste Receptacles
571.76   Smoking in Prohibited Areas
571.77   Cleaning Fluids
571.78   Doping
571.79   Fire Apparatus
571.80   Hours of Operation and Flight Rules and Conditions for Burke Lakefront Airport
571.81   Additional Regulations
571.82   Controlled Areas
571.83   Letters of Agreement with Federal Aviation Administration
571.84   Tie Down Spaces – Burke Lakefront Airport
571.85   Fees for Aircraft Parking on City- Controlled Ramp Areas
571.86   Fuel Trucks – Permit and Inspection Required
571.87   Fuel Trucks – Fines for Spills of Hazardous Materials
571.88   Use of and Rental Fee Schedule for Meeting Room Space at Burke Lakefront Airport and Cleveland Hopkins International Airport
571.89   Fees for Voice and Communications Services
571.90   Banner Towing Operations; Fee
571.91   Commercial Ground Transportation Vehicles Operating at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport and Burke Lakefront Airport; Fee
571.92   Commercial Motor or Tour Buses Operating at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport and Burke Lakefront Airport; Fee
571.93   Electric Vehicle Charging; Fees
571.99   Penalty
Statutory reference:
   Aeronautics, RC Ch. 4561
   Airports, RC Ch. 4563
§ 571.01 Definitions
   (a)   "Airports" means all property comprising Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, Burke Lakefront Airport and all airports owned and operated by the City.
   (b)   "Airport management" means the Director of Port Control or his or her duly authorized representative.
   (c)   "Airport security program" means the comprehensive plan for security requirements and procedures at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, including rules, regulations, and procedures for the issuance, display, use, and return of identificationbadges, as that plan is approved by the Transportation Security Administration or its equivalent ("TSA").
   (d)   "Control tower" means the agency assigned to the actual control of air traffic at each individual airport.
   (e)   "Person" means any individual, firm, copartnership, corporation, company, association or agency.
   (f)   "Secured area" means the Security Identification Display Area, Air Operations Area, or sterile areas at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, as those areas are defined by the TSA.
   (g)   "TNC" or "transportation network company" means an organization, whether a corporation, limited liability company, partnership, sole proprietor, or other form, operating in the City of Cleveland using a digital network to connect passengers with for-hire drivers using TNC endorsed vehicles. As used in this chapter, TNC shall be consistent with the meaning of transportation network company as defined under RC 3942.01.
   (h)   "Transportation network company services" means the provision of transportation beginning when a transportation network company driver accepts a ride requested by a rider through a digital network controlled by a transportation network company, continuing while the driver transports the requesting rider, and ending when the last requesting rider departs from the personal vehicle.
(Ord. No. 773-16. Passed 10-24-16, eff. 10-26-16)