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Subdivision 312 – Utility and Miscellaneous
Article I. Outdoor Signs
13-96-010 Generally.
13-96-020 Outdoor signs – Generally.
13-96-030 Definitions.
13-96-040 General requirements.
13-96-041 Abandoned outdoor signs and structures – Duty to report to Commissioner and revocation of permit.
13-96-050 Sale and rental signs.
13-96-060 Construction requirements.
13-96-070 Height and location limitations.
13-96-080 Approved combustible materials.
13-96-085 Reserved.
Article II. Electric Signs and Signboards
13-96-090 General requirements.
Article III. Coal Pockets
13-96-100 Definition.
13-96-110 Construction.
Article IV. Fences
13-96-120 General requirements.
13-96-130 Definitions.
13-96-135 Building clearances; required openings.
13-96-140 Maximum height.
13-96-150 Wind load.
13-96-160 Barbed wire.
Article V. Fire Stations
13-96-170 General requirements.
13-96-180 Definition.
13-96-190 Construction.
13-96-200 Mixed occupancy.
Article VI. Police Stations
13-96-210 General requirements.
13-96-220 Definition.
13-96-230 Construction.
13-96-240 Mixed occupancy.
Article VII. Private Garages and Carports
13-96-250 General requirements.
13-96-260 Definitions.
13-96-270 Construction – Private garages.
13-96-271 Construction – Carports.
13-96-280 Location – Private garages.
13-96-281 Location – Carport.
13-96-285 Reserved.
13-96-290 Attached garages.
Article VIII. Roundhouses
13-96-300 General requirements.
13-96-310 Definition.
13-96-320 Construction.
13-96-330 Other requirements.
Article IX. Carbarns
13-96-340 Reserved.
13-96-350 Reserved.
13-96-360 Reserved.
13-96-370 Reserved.
Article X. Sheds and Shelter Sheds
13-96-380 Sheds and shelter sheds – Generally.
13-96-390 Definitions.
13-96-400 Location limitations.
13-96-410 General requirements.
Article XI. Tanks
13-96-415 Definitions
13-96-420 Water tanks and tank supporting structures.
Article XII. Cooling Towers
13-96-430 General requirements.
13-96-440 Definition.
13-96-450 Construction.
13-96-460 Area limitation.
Article XIII. Tents
13-96-470 General requirements.
13-96-480 Definitions.
13-96-490 Tents and canopies – Permit application requirements.
13-96-500 Permits for tents and canopies – Limitation on duration.
Article XIV. Gasoline Filling Stations
13-96-510 General requirements.
13-96-520 Definition.
13-96-530 Pumps and tanks.
13-96-540 Construction.
13-96-550 Protection of openings.
13-96-560 Grading and sills.
Article XV. Greenhouses
13-96-570 General requirements.
13-96-580 Accessory structures.
13-96-590 Construction.
13-96-600 Skylights.
Article XVI. Temporary Platforms
13-96-610 Temporary platforms.
Article XVII. Private Residential Swimming Pools
13-96-620 General requirements.
13-96-630 Definition.
13-96-640 Location.
13-96-650 Permit required.
13-96-660 Drawings, plans and permits.
13-96-670 Recirculation pools.
13-96-680 Construction materials.
13-96-690 Structural design.
13-96-700 Walk areas.
13-96-710 Fences.
13-96-720 Steps or ladders.
13-96-730 Overflow gutters.
13-96-740 Water supply.
13-96-750 Inlets.
13-96-760 Outlets.
13-96-770 Recirculation system and appurtenances.
13-96-780 Electrical requirements.
13-96-790 Safety precautions.
13-96-800 Operation and maintenance.
13-96-810 Inspection.
Article XVIII. Exposed Metal Structures
13-96-820 General requirements.
13-96-830 Maintenance.
13-96-840 Inspection.
13-96-850 Compliance.
13-96-860 Unsafe structures.
13-96-870 Rust protection.
13-96-875 Rules and regulations.
Article XIX. Parking Facilities
13-96-880 Compliance.
13-96-890 Definitions.
13-96-900 Construction requirements.
13-96-910 Flammable liquids storage.
13-96-920 Sprinkler system.
13-96-930 Ventilation.
13-96-940 Emergency lighting.
13-96-950 Guards and gates.
13-96-960 Stairways.
13-96-970 Ramps, hoistways and elevator shafts.
13-96-980 Curbs.
13-96-990 Railings.
13-96-1000 Exterior wall opening protection.
13-96-1010 Ceiling height.
13-96-1020 Manlifts.
13-96-1030 Permits.
Article XX. Family Fallout Shelters
13-96-1040 – 13-96-1070. Reserved.
Article XXI. Public Utility Structures
13-96-1080 Definition.
13-96-1090 Fire resistive construction.
13-96-1100 Fire alarm system.
13-96-1110 Permit required.
13-96-1120 Certain types of artificial lighting prohibited.
Article XXII. Shooting Ranges
13-96-1130 Definitions.
13-96-1140 General requirements.
13-96-1150 Permits required.
13-96-1160 Enclosure requirements.
13-96-1170 Ancillary spaces.
13-96-1180 Occupancy requirements.
13-96-1185 Height and area limitations.
13-96-1190 Shooting range facility requirements.
13-96-1200 Shooting range requirements.
13-96-1210 Ventilation requirements.
13-96-1220 Plumbing requirements.
13-96-1230 Electrical requirements.
13-96-1240 Rules and regulations.
ARTICLE I. OUTDOOR SIGNS (13-96-010 et seq.)
Buildings defined in Section 13-56-220 as miscellaneous buildings and structures shall comply with all structural and other applicable requirements of this Code and with the special requirements of this chapter.
(Prior code § 61-1)
Outdoor signs shall comply with all applicable provisions of this Code and with the special provisions of Sections 13-96-030 to 13-96-080, inclusive, and Article XIII of Chapter 13-20. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event of a conflict between any outdoor sign provisions in the Code, including this Chapter 13-96, and Title 17 , which establishes city digital signs as exempt signs subject to the location, projection, height, sign face area and other regulations expressly set forth in such Title 17, the Title 17 regulations shall govern and control. City digital signs shall remain subject, however, to Section 13-20-675 and the structural safety and construction requirements of this Title 13 , including design load, compressive stress, wind pressure, and combustibility requirements.
(Prior code § 61-2; Amend Coun. J. 12-12-12, p. 44485, § 8; Amend Coun. J. 4-30-14, p. 80382, § 4)
Title 17 | The hyper-linked material is not part of the Chicago Building Code infobase and therefore is not included herein. The material is included in other provisions of the Chicago Municipal Code. The complete Chicago Municipal Code is available for purchase from American Legal Publishing in both print and Folio® versions. Please click here for the appropriate American Legal order form in printable Adobe® PDF format. For additional information, you may visit American Legal's website by clicking here. |
Title 17 | The hyper-linked material is not part of the Chicago Building Code infobase and therefore is not included herein. The material is included in other provisions of the Chicago Municipal Code. The complete Chicago Municipal Code is available for purchase from American Legal Publishing in both print and Folio® versions. Please click here for the appropriate American Legal order form in printable Adobe® PDF format. For additional information, you may visit American Legal's website by clicking here. |
Title 13 | The hyper-linked material is not part of the Chicago Building Code infobase and therefore is not included herein. The material is included in other provisions of the Chicago Municipal Code. The complete Chicago Municipal Code is available for purchase from American Legal Publishing in both print and Folio® versions. Please click here for the appropriate American Legal order form in printable Adobe® PDF format. For additional information, you may visit American Legal's website by clicking here. |
For the purposes of this Code, certain terms are hereby defined as follows:
(a) “Outdoor signs” shall include all fabricated signs and their supporting structures erected on the ground or attached to or supported by a building or structure.
(b) “Open sign” means a sign in which the area of any surface exposed to the wind does not exceed 50 percent of the aggregate area of the sign.
(c) “Ground sign” means a sign supported by uprights or braces on the ground.
(d) “Roof sign” means a sign erected on the roof of a building.
(e) “Flat sign” means a sign which is attached to a wall of a building and projects not more than 15 inches from such wall except that lighting reflectors may project from such wall a distance not exceeding eight feet.
(f) “Projecting sign” means a sign which is attached to a wall of a building and projects more than 15 inches beyond such wall.
(g) “Marquee sign” means a sign which is mounted on or against the facia of a marquee.
(h) “Sign structure” means and consists of the supports, uprights, bracing and framework of the sign.
(i) “Structural trim” means and includes the molding, battens, cappings, nailing, strips, latticing and platforms which are attached to the sign structure.
(j) “Display surface” means the surface made available either by the structure or the sign facing for the mounting of letters and decorations.
(k) “Sign facing” means the opaque or transparent surface or surfaces of the sign, upon, against or through which the message of the sign is exhibited.
(l) “Letters and decorations” means and includes the letters, illustrations, symbols, figures, insignia and other devices employed to express and illustrate the message of the sign.
(m) “Abandoned outdoor sign” means:
(i) any outdoor sign that has had no advertising or business identification message on it for at least six consecutive months; or
(ii) any outdoor sign that: (A) is attached to a building or lot, and (B) identifies or describes either a business that has not been located in that building or lot for at least six consecutive months or a product or service not sold or leased within that building or lot for at least six consecutive months or identifies or describes either a business or service which has either failed to obtain or maintain a valid City of Chicago business license or licenses, if required, for said building or lot; or
(iii) any outdoor sign for which the annual inspection fee required by this Code has not been paid and is past due for at least six consecutive months; or
(iv) any sign for which any permit number for said sign has not been displayed in the manner required by Section 13-20-620 for at least six consecutive months.
(n) “Abandoned outdoor sign structure” means an outdoor sign structure:
(i) that has not had any sign copy, other than abandoned sign copy, attached to it for at least six consecutive months; or
(ii) that has a sign for which the sign inspection fee required by this Code has not been paid and is past due for at least six consecutive months; or
(iii) for which any permit number for said sign or sign structure has not been displayed in the manner required by Section 13-20-620 for at least six consecutive months.
(Prior code § 61-2.1; Amend Coun. J. 2-25-88, p. 10732; Amend Coun. J. 9-27-00, p. 41633, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 11-21-17, p. 61755, Art. I, § 27)