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ARTICLE III. COAL POCKETS (13-96-100 et seq.)
Coal pockets and other similar structures shall be constructed entirely of noncombustible materials except that such structures not more than 35 feet in height may be constructed of heavy timber members when located not less than 30 feet from a lot line or other structure or from the opposite side of a public way or railroad right- of-way.
(Prior code § 61-4.2)
ARTICLE IV. FENCES (13-96-120 et seq.)
(a) A “fence” is hereby defined as a structure forming a barrier at the grade between lots, between a lot and a street or any alley, or between portions of a lot or lots, such structures being independent of any other.
(b) Fences shall be classified according to the general form of their construction as screen fences or solid fences.
(c) A screen fence is a fence so constructed that at least 50 percent of the superficial area thereof consists of regularly distributed apertures.
(d) A solid fence is a fence so constructed that less than 50 percent of the superficial area thereof consists of regularly distributed apertures.
(e) Any fence not constructed entirely of noncombustible materials shall be classed as a combustible fence.
(Prior code § 61-5.1)