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A police station may occupy a part of a building used for business, mercantile, storage, industrial or fire station occupancy, provided that such police station shall be separated from every other part of such building by construction providing fire resistance of not less than two hours.
(Prior code § 61-7.3)
(a) A “private garage” is defined as a building, or portion of a building, in which not more than five motor vehicles used by the occupants of the building or buildings on the premises are stored or kept, without provision for repairing or servicing such vehicles for profit, inclusive of any attached walkway.
(b) A “carport” is defined as a structure, or portion of a structure, which is open on at least two sides, and in which not more than five motor vehicles used by the occupants of the building or buildings on the premises are stored or kept. Such a structure which is not open on at least two sides shall be considered a private garage.
(Prior code § 61-8.1; Amend Coun. J. 10-1-03, p. 9163, § 4.7; Amend Coun. J. 3-29-17, p. 45477, § 3)
(a) A private garage may be of any type construction except when limited by Chapter 13-116 due to its location inside the fire limits.
(1) A private garage of Type III or better construction shall not exceed 800 square feet in area.
(2) Outside the fire limits, a private garage of Type IV-A or IV-B construction shall not exceed 600 square feet in area.
(b) A private garage shall not exceed one story and 15 feet in height.
(c) Floor construction shall be of concrete or equivalent noncombustible materials. The area of floor used for parking of automobiles or other vehicles shall be sloped not less than 1/4-inch per foot to facilitate the movement of liquids to a drain or toward the main vehicle entry doorway.
(d) The clear height of vehicle and pedestrian traffic areas shall be not less than seven feet.
(e) Doors shall be limited to eight feet in height.
(f) Automatic garage door openers, where provided, shall be listed in accordance with UL 325-02.
(Prior code § 61-8.2; Amend Coun. J. 10-28-97, p. 54730; Amend Coun. J. 3-29-17, p. 45477, § 3)
(a) The roof and all load-bearing elements of a carport shall be of noncombustible construction.
(b) A carport shall not exceed 800 square feet in roof area.
(c) A carport shall not exceed 15 feet and one story in height.
(d) Carports shall be open on at least two sides.
(e) Carport floor construction shall be of concrete or equivalent noncombustible material, except asphalt surfaces shall be permitted at ground level.
(f) Outside the fire limits, the roof and load-bearing elements of a carport may be built of unprotected combustible construction provided that the roof area does not exceed 600 square feet and the carport is located not less than three feet from an interior lot line and not less than six feet from another building or structure on the same lot.
(Added Coun. J. 3-29-17, p. 45477, § 3)