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(a) Private residential swimming pool water recirculation system outlets should be so located as to provide at least one outlet at the deepest point in the pool if the pool width does not exceed 20 feet. If the pool width is more than 20 feet, multiple outlets shall be provided and spaced not more than 20 feet apart, nor more than ten feet from walls. All pool drain outlets shall be equipped with gratings having an area of openings not less than ten times the cross-sectional area of the outlet pipe. The gratings shall be of such design so as they can not be readily removable by bathers and will not injure bathers' fingers.
(b) Pools shall be equipped with facilities for completely emptying the pool and the discharge of the pool water to the sewer shall be at a rate not exceeding 250 gallons per minute. No direct connection shall be made to the sewer. The drainage system shall be constructed in conformance with the provisions of Chapter 18-29 of this Code. The drain pipe line diameter shall be at least six inches.
(c) Drain pipe lines from walk areas, scum gutters and pools shall discharge into a common catchbasin. If elevation permits, the catchbasin may drain by gravity into the sewer. If, however, the elevations are such as to require pumping, the combined discharge shall be pumped into the sewer. In either case, a backwater valve or gate shall be installed downstream from the catchbasin and the pump. Water drained from the pool shall not be discharged to the sewer system during periods of rain or storms. At no time shall the rate of drain water discharge exceed a flow of 250 gallons per minute.
(Prior code § 61-18.14; Amend Coun. J. 11-9-16, p. 36266, § 20)
(a) Private residential swimming pools recirculation systems shall consist of pumping equipment, hair and lint catchers, filters together with the necessary pipe connections to the pool inlets and outlets, facilities and pipe connections necessary for backwashing filters, and facilities and equipment for disinfecting the pool water.
(b) The entire recirculating system shall be capable of producing a six-hour turnover of the entire water volume contents.
(c) The recirculation system pump shall have sufficient capacity to discharge the volume of water required for a six-hour turnover of the pool against the maximum head in the recirculating system.
(d) The pump used for backwashing filters shall have sufficient capacity to provide a filter backwash rate of at least 15 gallons per minute per square foot of filter area.
(e) A hair and lint catcher or strainer shall be installed on the suction side of the circulation pump to prevent hair, lint and other extraneous matter from reaching the pump and filters. Hair and lint catchers shall be so designed that they can be easily dismantled for cleaning and inspection and shall be so located as to be easily accessible for cleaning. The design features shall be as follows: Water passes through the strainer from the outside; the strainer is made of noncorrosive material; the width or diameter of strainer openings is not more than one-eighth inch; the area of the strainer openings shall be at least five times the cross-sectional area of the inlet pipe to the strainer.
(f) Recirculating systems shall contain rapid pressure filters. Sufficient filter area shall be provided to filter the entire contents of the pool in six hours at the rate of not more than three gallons per square foot of filter area per minute. The filter backwashing facilities shall be sufficient to backwash at the rate of 15 gallons per minute per square foot of filter area. All backwash water and effluents shall be discharged to the sewer through an indirect connection. Pressure filters shall be equipped with readily accessible air relief valves, loss of head or pressure gauges on the inlet and outlet pipes, and an access head or hole large enough to permit inspection, maintenance and repair work. Sight glasses that can be easily removed for cleaning shall be provided in the effluent line from the filter units.
(g) Equipment shall be provided for the disinfection of all pool water. Any disinfection method using materials other than chlorine compounds shall be subject to the approval of the board of health. Disinfection equipment installed for the use of chlorine compounds shall have sufficient capacity to maintain a minimum free chlorine residual of 0.5 parts per million. The disinfectant shall be introduced into the recirculation system ahead of the filters.
(h) Gaseous chlorination systems shall not be made use of as a disinfection method for pool water.
(Prior code § 61-18.15)
All electrical installations provided for, installed and used in conjunction with private residential swimming pools, shall be in conformance with Title 14E.
(Prior code § 61-18.16; Amend Coun. J. 11-9-16, p. 36266, § 20; Amend Coun. J. 9-6-17, p. 55278, Art. II, § 34)
(a) A skilled swimmer shall be present at all times that private residential swimming pools are in use.
(b) Every private residential swimming pool shall be equipped with one or more throwing ring buoys not more than 15 inches in diameter and having 60 feet of three-sixteenth-inch Manila line attached, and one or more light but strong poles with blunted ends and not less than 12 feet in length, for making reach assists or rescues.
(c) No diving board or platform more than three feet above water level shall be installed for use in connection with any private residential swimming pool.
(d) Life-saving equipment approved by the board of health shall be provided and maintained so as to be immediately available for use in an emergency.
(Prior code § 61-18.17)
(a) Private residential swimming pools may be used between June 1st and September 15th, inclusive, only. No private residential swimming pool shall be made use of between the hours of ten p.m. and 9 a.m. during this period.
(b) During the period September 16th to May 30th, inclusive, all private residential swimming pools shall be completely drained of all water.
(c) A suitable substantial protective cover shall be provided and installed over all private residential swimming pool surfaces during the period September 16th to May 30th, inclusive.
(d) All private residential swimming pools shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition, and all equipment shall be maintained in a satisfactory operating condition during periods the pool is in use.
(e) No private residential swimming pool shall be used, kept, maintained or operated in the city, if such use, keeping, maintaining or operating shall be the occasion of any nuisance or shall be dangerous to life or detrimental to health.
(Prior code § 61-18.18)