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A greenhouse on the same lot with a building of another occupancy and not exceeding 400 square feet in area nor 15 feet in height shall be considered an accessory structure. Such structures shall be permitted within the fire limits in accordance with Section 13-116-130(j).
(Prior code § 61-16.1)
Skylights in greenhouses shall comply with the requirements of Section 15-8-520 with the following exceptions:
(a) Wire glass shall not be required.
(b) Skylights of greenhouses not exceeding one story or 20 feet in height, nor 3,000 square feet in area, may be constructed of combustible materials.
(Prior code § 61-16.3)
Platforms, erected for temporary use in any assembly or open air assembly unit under the provisions of Section 13-32-170, shall comply with the following requirements.
(a) Height and Area.
(1) The height of a temporary platform shall not exceed six feet above the floor or ground level.
(2) No temporary platform shall exceed 1,500 square feet in area.
(b) Construction.
(1) Platforms may be constructed of materials not more combustible than wood.
(2) Platforms shall be designed to support a uniform live load of not less than 100 pounds per square foot and shall be securely braced for lateral stiffness.
(Prior code § 61-17)
(Prior code § 61-18)
The term “private residential swimming pool” is hereby defined as a receptacle for water, or an artificial pool of water having a depth at any point of more than five feet, intended for the purpose of immersion or partial immersion therein of human beings, and including all appurtenant equipment, constructed, installed, and maintained in or above the ground outside of a building used for a single-family dwelling unit. Provided further, that such private residential swimming pool is maintained by an individual primarily for the sole use of his household and guests and not for the purpose of profit or in connection with any business operated for profit. No out-of-doors swimming pool intended for the use of members and their guests of a nonprofit club or organization, or limited to house residents of a multiple dwelling unit, a block, subdivision, neighborhood, community or other specified area of residence shall be permitted in a single-family residence, duplex residence, or apartment district.
(Prior code § 61-18.1)