Adequate approved curbs, not less than 12 inches in height or wheel guards of incombustible construction shall be provided.
(Prior code § 61-20.10)
13-96-990 Railings.
On every floor where cars are driven, an approved railing or similar device, of incombustible construction shall be provided at every exterior opening where the exterior wall is omitted and at each interior opening in the floor.
(Prior code § 61-20.11)
13-96-1000 Exterior wall opening protection.
Protection of openings in exterior walls shall comply with Section 15-8-110.
(Prior code § 61-20.12)
13-96-1010 Ceiling height.
The minimum ceiling height in a parking level shall be not less than seven feet, this to be the minimum clearance measured from the floor to beams, pipes, lighting fixtures or other similar obstructions.