Section 1031.2.1, Operational Constraints, of the IBC, is hereby amended by adding the following:
Section 1031.2.1 Operational constraints The net clear opening dimensions required by this section shall be obtained by the normal operation of the emergency escape and rescue opening from the inside and shall not require the removal of a sash or other component of the emergency escape and rescue opening.
Section 1031.3.4, Window Wells, of the IBC, is hereby established by adding the following section:
Sections 1031.3.4 Window well drainage Window wells shall be designed for proper drainage by connecting to the buildings foundation drainage system required by section 1805.4.2 or by an approved alternate method.
Section 1104.4, Multistory Buildings and Facilities, of the IBC, is hereby amended by deleting exception #2 and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
Section 1104.4 exception #2 In buildings containing dwelling units or sleeping units or special occupancies described in Section 1108 or 1109, stories, mezzanines or occupied roofs that do not contain accessible elements or other spaces as determined by Section 1108 or 1109 are not required to be served by an accessible route from an accessible level.
Chapter 13, Energy Efficiency, of the IBC, is hereby amended by deleting said chapters and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
Chapter 13 Energy Efficiency The provisions of the International Energy Code as currently adopted and amended by the Iowa State Building Code Bureau shall apply to all matters governing the design and construction of buildings for energy efficiency. Administration shall be as prescribed in "this code' and these regulations shall be known as the Ankeny Energy Code.
Section 1608.2, Ground Snow Loads, of the IBC, is hereby amended by adding the following sentence to said section:
Section 1608.2 Ground Snow Load The ground snow load to be used in determining the design snow load for roofs is hereby established at 30 pounds per square foot. Subsequent increases or decreases shall be allowed as otherwise provided by code, except that the minimum allowable flat roof snow load may be reduced to not less than 80 percent of the ground snow load.