Section Number | Title | IBC Section |
Section Number | Title | IBC Section |
Short Title | ||
Adoption of Building Code | ||
Amendments, modifications, additions and deletions | ||
Referenced Codes -- Conflicts
| ||
Title | 101.1 | |
Referenced Codes | 101.4 | |
Energy | 101.4.6 | |
Existing CSST – Bonding Required | 102.6.3 | |
Creation of Enforcement Agency | 103.1 | |
Required (permits) Platting | 105.1 | |
Work exempt from permit | 105.2 | |
Expiration | 105.5 | |
Revocation of Permit | 105.6.1 | |
Schedule of Permit Fees | 109.2 | |
Plan Review Fees | 109.2.1 | |
Work Commencing Before Permit Issuance | 109.4 | |
Certificate Issued | 111.2 | |
Temporary Occupancy (Fees) | 111.3 | |
Underground Utility Installation | 112.4 | |
Means of Appeal | 113 | |
Definitions | 202 | |
Eight Or Fewer Persons Receiving Care In A Dwelling Unit | 305.2.3 | |
Care Facilities Within A Dwelling Unit | 310.4.1 | |
Separation (Dwelling Units) | 406.3.2.1 | |
Storm Shelters - Group E Occupancy | 423.5 | |
Storm Shelters - Required Occupant Capacity | 423.5.1 | |
General (live/work unit) | 508.5 | |
Limitations (live/work unit) | 508.5.1 #3 | |
Occupancies (live/work unit) | 508.5.2 | |
Continuity | 707.5 | |
Materials | 713.3 | |
One-Hour Shaft Enclosures | 713.3.1 | |
Two-Hour Shaft Enclosures | 713.3.2 | |
Basements | 903. | |
Alarms | 903.4.2 | |
FACP (Fire Alarm Control Panels) | 907.1.4 | |
Group R-4 | 907.2.24 | |
Monitoring | 907.6.6 | |
Fire Department Connections | 912.1.1 | |
Continuity and Components | 1009.2 #11 | |
Two-way Communication | 1009.8 | |
Hardware | 1010.2.2 | |
Handrails (elevation/#risers) | 1011.11 | |
Additional Exit Signs | 1013.1.1 | |
Continuity (handrails) | 1014.4 exc.#6 | |
Access to a Public Way | 1028.5.1 | |
Operational Constraints | 1031.2.1 | |
Window Wells | 1031.3.4 | |
Compliance (accessibility) | 1102.1 | |
Multistory Buildings and Facilities exc #2 | 1104.4 | |
Energy Efficiency | Chapter 13 | |
Vinyl Siding (weather-resistive barrier required) | 1404.14.2 | |
Ground Snow Loads | 1608.2 | |
Design and Construction | 1612.2 | |
Establishment of Flood Hazard Areas | 1612.3 | |
Special Inspections and Tests | 1704.2 | |
Special Inspections For Wind Resistance | 1705.12 | |
Structural Wood | 1705.12.1 | |
Cold-Formed Steel Light-Frame Construction | 1705.12.2 | |
Foundation Walls For Conventional Light Frame Wood Construction | 1807.1.5.1 & Table | |
Frost Protection | 1809.5 | |
Swimming Pools, Spas and Hot Tubs (General) | 3109.1 | |
The remaining sections in this chapter represent amendments to the requirements contained in the IBC. In the event requirements of this code conflict with applicable State and/or Federal requirements, the more stringent shall apply except that all references to flood hazard construction shall be coordinated in concurrence with Ankeny NFIP adoption dated 1-February-2019.ICC A117.1 references throughout this code shall denote ICC A117.1-09.
Section 101.4, Referenced Codes, of the IBC, is hereby amended by the following subsections:
Section 101.4.1 Gas. Strike International and insert in lieu thereof Ankeny.
Section 101.4.2 Mechanical. Strike International and insert in lieu thereof Ankeny.
Section 101.4.3 Plumbing. Strike International and insert in lieu thereof Ankeny.
Section 101.4.4 Property Maintenance. Strike International Property Maintenance and insert in lieu thereof Ankeny Property Maintenance and Housing.
Section 101.4.5 Fire Prevention. Strike International and insert in lieu thereof Ankeny.
Section 101.4.6 Energy. Strike International and insert in lieu thereof Ankeny.
Section 101.4.7 Existing Buildings. Strike International and insert in lieu thereof Ankeny.
Section 101.4.6, Energy, of the IBC, is hereby amended by deleting said section and inserting in lieu thereof the following section:
Section 101.4.6 Energy. The provisions of the International Energy Conservation Code as currently adopted and amended by the Iowa State Building Code Bureau shall apply to all matters governing the design and construction of buildings for energy efficiency. Administration shall be as prescribed in "this code' and these regulations shall be known as the Ankeny Energy Code. Construction or work for which a permit is required shall be subject to 3rd party inspections. The Code Official is authorized to accept reports of approved inspection agencies, provided such agencies satisfy the requirements as to qualifications and reliability. Any portion that does not comply shall be corrected and such portion shall not be covered or concealed until authorized by the Code Official.
Section C401.2 Application. Section C401.2, Application, of the IECC, is hereby amended by adding the following exception:
Seasonal Structures. The following Seasonal type structures are exempt from meeting the provisions of the energy code.
1. Food service buildings that serve patrons at amusement parks, water parks and outdoor sporting facilities that contain operable exterior walls openings on one or more walls which equal at least 40% or more of the overall exterior wall space.
2. Restroom Facilities that serve amusement parks, water parks and outdoor sporting facilities.
These facilities are allowed to have heating and/or cooling equipment for the temporary comfort of patrons and employees during operating hours.