(A)   No earth station shall be constructed in any front yard, but, shall be constructed to the rear or side of the residence or main structure.
   (B)   No earth station, including its concrete base slab or other substructure, shall be constructed less than eight feet from any property line or easement.
   (C)   No earth station shall be constructed without appropriate landscaping, a fence, or other shield in order that said earth station can be reasonably concealed from view; the manner of concealment to be approved by the Building Commissioner.
   (D)   No earth station shall be linked, physically or electronically, to a receiver which is not located on the same lot, premises, or parcel of land as is the earth station.
   (E)   An earth station shall not exceed a great height of 12 feet.
   (F)   All structural supports shall be of galvanized metal.
   (G)   Wiring between an earth station and a receiver shall be placed at least four inches beneath the surface of the ground within rigid conduit.
   (H)   Such earth station shall be designed to withstand a wind force of 75 miles per hour without the use of supporting guy wires.
   (I)   Any driving motor shall be limited to 110 volt maximum power design and be encased in protective guards.
   (J)   An earth station must be bonded to a grounding rod.
   (K)   Only one earth station on a lot.
   (1)   Earth stations can only be used for non-commercial use.
('79 Code, § 1612(7)) (Ord. 1987-O-15, passed 4-7-87) Penalty, see § 150.999